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"I am simply surviving"

Always confused:D

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Category: Blogging

I am traumatized to say the least I have never experienced an officer that ever acted this way. I am just ranting a little because I am still in shock from the event and I can't stop replaying it in my head, I can barely sleep. This officer really put her hands on me and threw my grandpa on the ground she was so in the wrong! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR BODY CAM DIED WHILE EVERYTHING WAS HAPPENING?! so ... » Continue Reading

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Panick Attacks

Category: Blogging

OMG, yesterday was chaotic for me. I had my senior pictures, and I was already panicking the day before. I think all the stress build up was too much for me. It didn't help at all that nothing was going as I planned. My hair wasn't cooperating, I couldn't find a decent outfit, I had so many assignments due, everything was piling on. Oh Oh but the fucking icing on the cake, the thing that triggered... » Continue Reading

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Oc ideas?

Category: SpaceHey

A group of friends and I are going to ply DnD and my creative spark is dead at the moment. Any ideas are welcome on how I can create the character and what traits they should have both in ability and apearance. I plan on drawing them out as well. » Continue Reading

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New Friends?

Category: SpaceHey

I'm looking for people to talk to, anyone who's interested is more than welcome to send me a friend request. Let's chat! I like all kinds of topics, I'll talk about anything and try to keep the convo interesting. » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

Marshmallows marshmallows marshmallows marshmallows marshmallows marshmalllowssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Now that I have your attention, thank you for stopping by and reading this. You are cared for, loved and important. Don't let your negative thoughts win today, you got this. Take deep breaths and do it one step at a time. I'm proud of you! You are admira... » Continue Reading

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Something about me

Category: Writing and Poetry

One thing about myself is that I am human unfortunately, and I don't mean that in the way where people want to completely become an animal or an object. I mean it in the way where unfortunately I have emotions, thoughts, blood and flesh; I mean it in the way where I unfortunately exist. I don't want to feel as deep as I do, I don't want to wake up everyday just to exist in a society that is going ... » Continue Reading

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random title for my thoughts lol

Category: Blogging

I just felt like writing so excuse the randomness. Oddly enough I really enjoy writing at least when it is on my own time, if it is for school or an essay I absolutely hate it. I like sharing on here it is liberating in some sort of way. I feel as though I can express myself on here without judgement but still get feedback sometimes and it makes it seem like a genuine convo instead of me just spea... » Continue Reading

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My life ubdate for whoever wants to read.

Category: Blogging

I'm currently applying to colleges and I have to write an essay about myself and the challenges I've overcome and how they've shaped me as a person. I want to write about myself but I wouldn't know where to begin should I hold back on too personal details should I just write a summary, I have no clue and I am stuck. I am confused and how to even start with an essay like this. » Continue Reading

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When We Are Apart

Category: Writing and Poetry

I crave your touch, when we are apart.  I miss you with all my heart, body & soul, when we are apart. Being away from you makes me ache. when I am indeed with you, it's like the earth shakes. Every time we are apart I anticipate the next magical meeting with you. When we are apart I turn blue. When I am again with you, all my worries fade away. You are my safe place, loving you and being loved by ... » Continue Reading

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I think my work place hates me

Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

The past week or so I have been feeling attacked at work pretty sure no one likes me and I'm getting fired soon. » Continue Reading

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I am not good at titles

Category: Blogging

I  just wanted to write some thoughts, some realizations, and some things I have been going through. I have been experiencing extreme pains to the point where i have been going to doctors and hospitals. It has been a rough journey of lots of IV's and currently I've been put on birth control. Right now we are going to see if it helps balance some things out in me for the next 3 months and if it doe... » Continue Reading

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Words from me

Category: Writing and Poetry

When I do not know what to write but I still want to I start to doodle on paper, I never know what to doodle either so I scribble until it makes something but today I wanted to talk. I wanted to talk about whatever came from my mind, maybe my random thoughts. I am missing the past a little too much lately, no I do not feel depressed at least not rn. I just feel numb like I am just floating in my e... » Continue Reading

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