This Blog Will be somewhat of a changelog every time I change something visually in my profile, blogs, etc. Initial (Recorded) Update (3 Months Ago; Do Need to Find an Exact Date): Recorded on the "Onto a New Page" Blog 3/30/24 Update: Made my profile mobile user friendly, which due to not being able to modify my.css (to my knowledge), invo » Continue Reading
Review Throughout my vacation, I struggled to find what kind of book to read before getting back to work. Books like Humankind: A Hopeful History , & The 99% Invisible City were on my radar, but it was too far into break to feasible read through with their 400+ pages. Thankfully, Shaka Senghor's biography of his life » Continue Reading
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everybody! It's the holidays, and for this month's blog, I want to take a brief reflection on what I blogged about this year. Follow me as we look back on (or explore for likely your first time,) what I wrote this year. A Blog? No Way! My first ever blog on this website. Here we see Doaf full with op » Continue Reading
Well helo. As you may have noticed, I have learned css. A long time ago, my original intention for this account was to use it to test my html and css skills. I doubt anyone remembers it though, I just realized my account was set to private, so who knows if anyone read my original profile outside of that one guy who commented on my first blog. Anyways, I'm currently learning the ropes of this langu... » Continue Reading
Hey Guys, Long Time No See... It's been a while since I have last published a blog here, much less one that wasn't a First Reads. Life has been... oddly smoother than expected, which both relieves and frightens me. Regardless, we can save existentialism for later, today I want to talk about why I stopped giving my book "reviews" ratings, and my thoughts on ratings & rankings as a whole. For those ... » Continue Reading
Hey Guys, today is gonna be a less, thought out First Reads than before? I'll be honest, First Reads are really first impressions of the book after I go through them once. I may have said that before (too lazy to check), but there's also another quirk of this series where I pump out these reviews typically a day or two after I finish the book. This is primarily due to the fact that for one, I have... » Continue Reading
If you have been around my page for a while, you may know that I do a lot of book reviews. Its come to a point where I actually changed a part of my bio to no longer say that I am no longer on SpaceHey to learn more about HTML and CSS. More-so, I just genuinely like the platform, and how primitively healthy it has been for me to interact with. Granted I don't really explore SpaceHey beyond my page... » Continue Reading
Review I won't beat around the bush here. I am obese. I have recently taken steps to learn more about, and deal with my condition, but its a long journey ahead of me. To that end, I thought this book would help diagnose and treat a part of my obesity. After all, I do have quite an appetite. Needless to say however, I am not a binge eater, and I was woefully ignorant as to what binge eating really ... » Continue Reading