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Category: Books and Stories

First Reads Double Feature! Sit Up Straight + And Then, BOOM!

In my procrastination and busy-ness of everyday life, I managed to read two more books before the end of this month. Its taken me a few days to final get around and write a review for them, but here you go!. These may be the last books I read for the rest of summer, but you never know. Maybe I can review some tv series that I watched.

"Sit Up Straight" Book Cover

Sit Up Straight

By Vinh Pham & Jeff O'Connell

In a way, my feelings of this book are similar to The Contradictions. It's hard for me to give a recommendation due to inexperience. This time, not from a lack of reading fiction books, but rather the total lack of knowledge regarding this field of body health. I've been on a health journey, and recently I noticed two things. One, my posture is terrible, which can spell bad news for me in the future. Two, despite this, I have practically given up on stretching. Thankfully, this book was here to help. Vinh Pham does often refer to an promote his business, Myodetox, so if you're not a fan of that, then go somewhere else. That being said, the promotion is not as invasive as you may think. The author brings up his business often in personal stories that assist with the books content, not detract from it. Background info and context is both extensive and simple, giving you plenty of information on why something is done or is what it is, without confusing you. The suggestions he laid out here not only doable, but also don't take up as much time, a great plus. Ultimately though, I've only had a couple of weeks with this book. Unfortunately, it would take a lot of time for me to assess whether the book was effective in future proofing my body. Then again, I could've said that for any book that dealt with this subject matter.

Overall Recommendation: A very useful and current resource in my opinion as of the making of this review. While I cannot assess the effectiveness of Vinh Pham's work, his credentials and experience flowing through the book are enough for me to recommend it.

Buy it or Borrow It?: Buy it. I borrowed it but I certainly am looking to buy in the next few months. This is a book that had me filling it with multiple bookmarks.

"And Then, BOOM!" Book Cover

And Then, BOOM!

By Lisa Fipps

This book taught me one thing. A good book makes me want to read more. I typically try to pace myself by reading a certain amount of pages each day, and this made me break that. Lisa Fipps may have made a children's books, but its a emotionally relatable one. Admittedly, I was off put by the book seemingly being entirely poems. I soon got over it though, and the relationships the main character had with his friends and family touched me in a way not book has. I may never be as unfortunate as Joe Oak, but his relational struggles and kinship he finds can be reflected on me in many ways. He has fears that I have, he has the imagination and dream capacity that I have. I like how childlike he is despite the book being in poems written by an adult. The way the supperhero/comic book framing of his life only enhanced this child perspective, and developed in ways that I did not expect and was very fulfilled by.

Overall Recommendation: Sometimes funny, dreary, and definitely emotional, it takes some getting use to this form of storytelling. However, as someone who is trying to get into fiction reading, Lisa Fipps made a remarkable impression on me.

Buy it or Borrow It?: Get the word out in my opinion. More people should read this. Whether you buy it or borrow it, you're in for a good time.

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