How do I not die of embarrassment right now, I rang the wrong person who also hates me and then accidently deadnamed them I apologised profusely but I feel like I could explode with shame rn » Continue Reading
When somebody does something that will hurt you do you secretly hope its in good faith?, or acknowledge what they refuse to; that this good faith likely doesn't exist? at least not from them. maybe not even you. » Continue Reading
the forest i heard rumours. some said he still wondered the woods following winding paths and heavy streams with his bike and a bottle, id heard he would go alone and follow stairs and trails all through the forest chasing green leaves and white reeds. bathtubs and kitchen sinks. do you think he did it in hope i would appear again one day? tailing the shadow of someone who » Continue Reading
and why it's your #1 for me right now its twilight because its a childhood classic and the virgin suicides because i got that mentol illness » Continue Reading
anybody else with a mood disorder just sometimes get really irrationally angry for a couple days... since yesterday morning ive felt like i could kill anyone who even like looks @ me wrong and its so annoying because i dont particularly enjoy being moody, i just AM how do i stop the mental illness smh » Continue Reading
you are valid and deserve love. I am so so glad that youre here and hope youre truly doing well!! Make sure to take your meds and drink some water thats all (: » Continue Reading