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16 | infp | USA

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my sister

Category: Writing and Poetry

A jolt runs through my body as I skid across the mud. It sloshes around me as the rain soaks it up by the second. I can feel the grime that has built up in my hair and I can barely see as rain rushes down my face and drips off my eyelashes. Another jolt runs down my spine as she grabs my shirt by the collar and turns me over before pressing her sandal into my chest. The years have not treated my l... » Continue Reading

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Life Rant

Category: Life

I have been feeling distant from the world around me. I haven't hung out with a friend in maybe a few months idk I don't count. I also can't keep track of the days because they fly by so fast. I feel like I'm not as connected to my friends as I was in the beginning of the school year, I still get along with them and can talk to them but it isn't the same. I tend to isolate myself in my room and sc » Continue Reading

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Navigating Spacehey

Category: SpaceHey

Hello! I understand a lot of people are new to spacehey including myself. And people have many questions about how to navigate it. I tend to learn pretty quickly and I'm adaptable so I will put some helpers down below but feel free to comment any questions. Layouts: If you open up the tab at the top of your screen you will see a list to the left of your screen. Each tag should have a number in (..... » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

This is so cute. I'm just gonna give a little description of myself to help y'all see how cool I am. I'm a huge Marvel fan, specifically the MCU because I've never had the time or resources to read the comics. I've watched every movie that's on Disney+ plus a few others. I'm also spiritual and I read tarot cards plus use a pendulum, so if you're ever interested just let me know! I'm a dr » Continue Reading

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