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Category: Writing and Poetry

my sister

A jolt runs through my body as I skid across the mud. It sloshes around me as the rain soaks it up by the second. I can feel the grime that has built up in my hair and I can barely see as rain rushes down my face and drips off my eyelashes. Another jolt runs down my spine as she grabs my shirt by the collar and turns me over before pressing her sandal into my chest. The years have not treated my little sister well, the people across the land have corrupted my little sister and turned her into a killing machine to do their dirty work.

She doesn't even recognize me which makes her job easier. But I grab her ankle and twist it right before I turn to stand and take the advantage. She's already picked herself up as well, sword in hand and her feet in stance to charge. The clashes of our swords ring throughout the forest among the drowning of the rain against the earth.
After many attempts I've gained the upper hand and have her pinned down into the mud and grass, hands behind her back while her sword is a few feet behind us. I slip the remembrance elixir into her mouth and after a moment she turns around, a twinkle in her eye. The door my sister once was held behind has been opened. 

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Tys' Corner of the Web

Tys' Corner of the Web 's profile picture

but like Yelena and Nat??? Lol

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omg wasn't even in mind but yes

by Rachel; ; Report