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Category: Life

Life Rant

I have been feeling distant from the world around me. I haven't hung out with a friend in maybe a few months idk I don't count. I also can't keep track of the days because they fly by so fast. I feel like I'm not as connected to my friends as I was in the beginning of the school year, I still get along with them and can talk to them but it isn't the same.

I tend to isolate myself in my room and scroll on the internet all day because that's the only option I'm left with besides sleeping. Every time I try to initiate plans with someone they're busy or just don't want to. It's also difficult because all of my friends have more money than me and think it's easy for me to do the things they can.
For example, my friends think my mom will just agree to driving me to their house. Even before these crazy gas prices, she always has to save and make sure she has enough money to get around for work. Plus her car is old so she's always careful about how much she drives around. She'll only drive me somewhere if it's necessary.
I know everyone has their own issues that are more complicated than mine but I never talk to anyone about these things or know how to get it out properly of my mouth.

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eternal jello

eternal jello's profile picture

i kinda relate to this

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