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Category: Blogging


This is so cute. I'm just gonna give a little description of myself to help y'all see how cool I am. I'm a huge Marvel fan, specifically the MCU because I've never had the time or resources to read the comics. I've watched every movie that's on Disney+ plus a few others.

I'm also spiritual and I read tarot cards plus use a pendulum, so if you're ever interested just let me know! I'm a dry texter not gonna lie, but when it comes to something I'm interested in then I will talk a lot more. Another thing I'm interested in is mythology, I just started to take a class on it so hopefully I will be able to enlighten people who are interested. Also on that note, talk to me about Eternals because that's a mix of mythology and marvel.

I love video games, and I mostly play Apex Legends so if you ever want to play I'm open for it! I have a nintendo switch and therefore can't play many games so I'm limited but I will listen about other ones that you play.

I also act whenever I'm given the opportunity, I was in a play in November that my school put together and will definitely audition for the next one. I love a lot of things connecting to art such as drawing, painting, music, ceramics, writing, etc.

That's all for now and to keep up this was written on 03.16.2022

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