if you are not vegan and support factory farming you are in favor of causing more 2020's to come in the form of zoonotic diseases .... » Continue Reading
Follow me as I discover and review vegan food and cruelty-free products on abillion! If you want to help 🌱 animals and stop climate change all you got to do is post pics of vegan dishes and meals write be few words about it share the thoughts with other and you can donate 1$ for each write up to nonprofits! I have » Continue Reading
Thoughts?? I flipping loved it, like a metaphor inside. Almost better then the original. 😎 In a nutshell without spoilers, it's like a inception of the matrix with a meta-analysis on our current world and the movie itself. » Continue Reading
Still baffled at the fact that so many people can be so fucking stupid to not trust and care to understand the science of how the world works but instead are completely fine believing in a sky daddy that created them out of clay and gets angry with what kind of sex you have?? Like am I in the twight zone or is everyone completely bonk. » Continue Reading
Hey guys it's Christmas day and I'm watching the new resident evil movie welcome to raccoon city So far it's pretty good, I like the more inline story arc with the games. If anyone else has seen it let me know what you think. I always loved the Games and just got the remakes a few months back. Though I can never beat them all the way through. Haha 🤣 » Continue Reading
Well this seems like a blast from the past. I only used Myspace for about a year when I was 12 and I really didn't have access to it to often. This spacehey seems to be a cool little site. Anyways Happy Yule or happy holidays everyone. And Remember be nice to every living creature. ❤️❤️ » Continue Reading