"Sinning. Haha!"
I'm 14 and female. And I also love music!
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Found this at a beauty shop a couple of weeks ago.
Category: Life
Why is Britney Spears in the product? » Continue Reading
So, I'm "slightly dorky" and not a nerd?
Category: Life
I've always considered myself to be a nerd, since I have interests in science, a little bit of philosophy, technology and stuff that nerds "like". Well, I took a "nerd" test to see how much of a nerd I am, and it turns out, I'm not a nerd. I'm slightly dorky. Here's proof: » Continue Reading
Want to start a band someday.
Category: Music
I want to start a band. But the problem is that I'm only good at singing, and have never really learned to play the guitar, and my parents don't have the budget to buy one for me, and they keep telling me the guitar is too hard to play. Not to mention, I don't really know anyone who knows how to play the guitar in my school. Any thoughts on this? » Continue Reading
Category: School, College, University
Spring break just started and I already can't wait for the next term to start. » Continue Reading