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Category: Life

So, I'm "slightly dorky" and not a nerd?

I've always considered myself to be a nerd, since I have interests in science, a little bit of philosophy, technology and stuff that nerds "like". Well, I took a "nerd" test to see how much of a nerd I am, and it turns out, I'm not a nerd. I'm slightly dorky. 

Here's proof:

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cl0wn's profile picture

Probably shouldnt take online quiz results too seriously. There's really no one true way to be a nerd, its more of a spectrum methinks.

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I know, but it's still pretty interesting to see that based on a quiz on the Web that I'm not actually a nerd.

by unknöwninnirvana; ; Report

Yeah, I suppose that's fair. I took a quiz once that told me I was orange.

by cl0wn; ; Report