*ALL SHARING!!! DOUBLES PLEAS INTERACT *Familial *The Sawyer family from the original first two Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies *Adam MacIntyre (father) and Evan MacIntyre (uncle) from Dead Rising *Frank West (father) from Dead Rising *Lancer (son) from Deltarune *Platonic *Riley and Huey Freeman from The Boondocks *Jay Bilzerian from Bigmouth *Michelangelo from Bayverse TMNT *Kankuro from » Continue Reading
*)(aiii everypony, ladies and gentlefish alike!!! *idrk if y'all even care but I am SO EXCITED 4 SC)(OOLLLLLLL *I'M GONNA GET A COMPUTER AGAIN!!!!!!!! *I'm gonna make my own layout from scratch if I get the chance!!! *I'm so excited to do that cuz I haven't been able to cuz coding is so much harder 4 me on the phone than on a computer *but until then, if y'all want, y'all can read my straw page ^_... » Continue Reading
*)(ello Spacehey pals!!! *I just wanted to take a quick minute 2 explain why I've been inactive 4 like 5ever (if y'all even noticed XD) *My recently, I've changed school programs and that means I got a new chromebook too. *This new chromebook sadly has my usual proxy app blocked so I can't get on desktop version of spacehey and bcuz of that I hv 2 rely on the mobile web version which make navigati... » Continue Reading
*Step 1: Make a parody/spoof analog horror of FBACC *Step 2: Use the power of Google Play gift cards to artificially inflate the video *Step 3: Wait for actual people to see it *Step 4: Bribe and beg big You-Tubers to react to it *Step 5: PROFIT (the FBACC fandom is back and I can actually find shit on Tumblr) » Continue Reading
*I'm geniunely curious, SpaceHey; who is in your dream blunt rotation? Who would you smoke with? *Dead, alive fictional, a concept of a person/creature, objects, idc. *Tell me NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW *pretty please =3333 » Continue Reading
*Big The Cat *Nepeta Leojin *Mondo Gecko (all versions) *1987 Michelangelo *Geoff from Total Drama *Burgerpants *Boog Shlizetti *Benson Dunwoody *Attmoz from My Singing Monsters *Deidara from Naruto *Everyone from Your Favorite Maritian *Ace Copopular *The Goth Kids from South Park *Mudkip *Ray William Johnson *Jonathon Davis *Brook The Soul King *Jake The Dog * » Continue Reading
*So, over t)(e course of like 2 weeks I've played (and finis)(ed) Yume Nikki and let me say, I FREAKING LOVED IT!!! *It was so fun to walk around and use the effects (my fav is t)(e towel) *If ur a Yume Nikki fan pls friend me!!! *Anyways, yume nikki yapping ses)( *SPOILERS A)(EAD *I want to turn Uboa into slime and then play wit)( it aggresively *I want to pet KyuuKyuu Kun like it's a big dog and... » Continue Reading
*TW 4 MENTIONS OF DEAD ANIMALS *First, t)( e fis)( are now euthanized and t)(e tank got cleared. Second my grandma's cat: Peac)(es is missing now. T)(ird, my 2 cats and dog are now living wit)( my dad and step mom in my step mom's )(ouse. T)(at's all now oki baiiii. » Continue Reading
*TW 4 ANIMAL AB*SE AND MENTIONS OF D*AD ANIMALS *So for about )(alf a decade now my grandparents )(ave been keeping a fis)(tank in t)(eir living room, over t)(e past 2 years t)(ey )(aven't been taking care of it. Today it smelled like s)(it, it )(ad like 7 dead fis)( in it, not)(ing )(ad been working for a w)(ile; not t)(e filter, )(eater, not)(ing. T)(e water is so murky it's opaque. I want to ... » Continue Reading