MY DAD IS SUCH A FUCKING ASSHOLE. all he does is scream and shout and just generally be horrible to the FIVE YEAR OLD. FIVE YEAR OLD BOY THAT WE ARE FOSTERING. FOSTERING I THINK MAYBE. PERHAPS MY DAD IS EVIL. im like the only person in the whole house aside from maybe my sister that thinks. HEY? MAYBE DAD IS FUCKING ABUSING HIM AND THE AFFECT THIS WILL HAVE ON THE POOR KIDS LIFE, MENTAL HEALTH AND... » Continue Reading
ive decided im not gonna bother with formality here... still gonna try and make my thoughts more coherent when i talk though lol anyway im so tired oh my god. im not even tired tired im just. tired. sleepinf will not fix this. its a permanent tired. i hate it god... i just want to read and stay up all night i hate the chemicals in my body why cant they shut up and let me live my life????? i unders... » Continue Reading
I have decided that spacehey is going to be a place where I try to... not reinvent myself, per-say, but to make a place where i can sit down, go through my day and try to actually organise my thoughts instead of having them be a jumbled, incoherent mess in my brain. I'm going to start on that now. My name is not Bunny or Bun or anything like that. My name isn't anything I've ever said it was and i... » Continue Reading
i havent been online in a while ehehehe buttttt im on a working pc now!! so typing is soooo much easier so im actually gonna be active now > < NOW. in regards to my last blog post... in my absence from spacehey i have soooooo many more friends my age!! its amazing im so happy... theyre all so cool and im grateful to have them:) » Continue Reading
school... i was off for a few days cuz most teachers were off with covid but im going back tomorrow and i just... ugh im not doing terribly, i just have no friends my age at school. NONE. its horrible i have friends who are younger than me through my sister and theyre fine but god. UGH. i get bulled a bit for being 'the quiet kid' BUT IM NOT!!!! IM NOT QUIET its just I HAVE NO ONE TO BE LOUD WITH.... » Continue Reading
mention of incest and loli/shota con!!! so ive been rewatching ohshc right? and its been ok im on ep 13 out of 26 and its yknow!! good. ok but there are sooooo many parts that make me unbelievably uncomfortable T-T the incest? mori and honey, hikru and kaoru? ITS GRODY i hate it so much. AND THEN HONEY AS A CHARACTER?????????? sooooo.... gross... i get that they werent sexualising him but please.... » Continue Reading
im goin to the park in a bit...... im wearing my motion city soundtrack shirt and my red and black trousers so i feel great :) im excited im gonna take my book with me and maybe read after finish going on the swngs... im totally gonna daydream too though LOL itll be nice to get some fresh air :) im off school until wednesday cuz too many of my teachers are off and there arent enough supply teache... » Continue Reading