Me and my band mates are currently working on a cover of Adam Song by blink 182 and we are all super excited!!! I can't wait for it to be done in so excited. I love all of my band members and we're also finally a complete band we have all the member, Atticus on drums, Goose as lead guitarist, Cade as backup guitarist, me as vocalist (Razor) and Vince as the bass player. » Continue Reading
Me and my band members decided that The Forsaken Dead dose not fit our band as a whole, so we decided to change it to the Nonexistent Romance bc we just feel that it feels more right then the name we originally had » Continue Reading
Usually I don't like when people bully me, unless Its entertaining. So here are some funny experiences I've had. I was walking to my second period class which was study hall and I had it in the cafeteria and while I was walking down the stairs this girl next to me started doing Junko poses at me and being like "Hi I'm arson! What's ur pronouns??!!" She was clearly just bullying me, B- for origin... » Continue Reading
There's literally a cop car down the road waiting for my mom to start driving bc he knows she doesn't have a license, she lost her license back in 2017 bc she tried to hit my dad with her car and she ran into the tree instead. But he's just sitting there and my mom needs to get to work and now my grandma is mad bc she lives next door and my uncle is mad bc she can't come to work (family business) ... » Continue Reading
I hate my mom's boyfriend so much, he literally comes into my room just to find a reason to yell at me, he will literally come into my room and be like "why are there so many dishes in here?" And yell at me about it. Have you ever considered that I don't like being anywhere outside of my bedroom? It's warm, fluffy blankets, cool clothes, stuffed animals. He will come home from work and immediately... » Continue Reading
Something I've never understood is like that thing where people wait a certain amount of time to text Someone back. Like that's just fucking annoying. If I'm talking to you don't purposely leave me on delivered for the next 17 minutes then give me a dry ass response. Something I've never understood is why people judge people that are different from them as if we didn't learn in the 3rd grade that... » Continue Reading
My mom loves me until I express to her how her boyfriend makes me feel and how much he mistreats me and yells at me for no reason and tells me I'm faking my depression and how I'm disrespectful for expressing how I feel. How am I disrespectful for being suicidal? I don't need to be around people when I'm sad I need to be alone. Being around people is the problem. He calls me a liar when I say that... » Continue Reading
I hate how my mom always gets mad at the smallest things. I hate how my mom can't keep promises. I hate the kids at school that are mean to me. I hate my mom's boyfriend that acts like he's my dad. I hate myself bc I'm so ugly and disgusting. I hate my thoughts they are disgustingly horrifying and I should have been in the mental hospital for longer I'm so horrible in every aspect. I'm a pathologi... » Continue Reading
I was in the mental hospital for like 2 1/2 days and I got let out early bc they said I didn't seem to be having issues. It wasn't all that bad I met some nice people and some of the doctors were nice too. I got to bring my stuffed bunny so I'm really happy. So basically it started when I was at school and my razor blade fell out of my pocket and it had blood on it and my science teacher saw it. ... » Continue Reading
My mental health is genuinely so horrible right now and it physically hurts to be around people or even talk to them. I just want someone to take me away and burry me. I don't want to be this way. I don't want to be alive. Everything I do and think about others is so dehumanizing. My thoughts are so disgusting. I hate thinking things I don't want to think about. Like how I like the way blood taste... » Continue Reading
I only really hide in the bathrooms before school starts bc I don't like talking to people and I have alot of anxiety so I just chill in the bathroom and there is so much tea when I sit in here LOLLL usually I just try to hide from people that bully me and they go around the school looking for me but it's so funny bc the tea is GOLD I swear apparently some girl was talking about this other girl ca... » Continue Reading
My mom and her boyfriend have been yelling at me for 3 weeks to clean my room but I physically can't. I've just been trying to stay alive all week and I've been doing alright but everything hurts. And they want me to do the dishes, but if I do that it will sting my wrists, it hurts so bad. And my teacher yells at me for falling asleep in class but I haven't slept at home in over 2 weeks. In the mo... » Continue Reading