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"Just got back from the market with my bike"

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Low Energy Day

Category: Blogging

Today I've felt super low energy for some reason. Not sure why I'm feeling extra tired, but I decided to take the day off from the gym. I've of course still done all of my "chores" and am going to read a lottt today to catch up to the book club. I went to the market near by to get some groceries and I rode my bike. I instantly felt a little better just riding my bike, so that was really nice. » Continue Reading

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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

My friend and I have decided we want to do another 5k! This one coming up will be my fourth one. It's called Donut Stop and there will be donuts. I love donuts, so hopefully they are good. Hopefully not just cake donuts, those are my least favorite kind. But they are my friends favorite, so hopefully there are some of those for her. We've done one practice jog at a mile and a half and I felt good.... » Continue Reading

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Goal Updates

Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

So, I'm doing really well on the goals I had set for myself at the beginning of the year. I wanted to go to the gym almost every day, around six days a week. I've been going to the gym almost every day, so I've been doing really well. I've also been moving up in the weight that I'm working out with so that has been really exciting. Shortly after the year started, I decided I also want to ride my b... » Continue Reading

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Life and bike news

Category: Blogging

Right now, I'm watching a YouTube video in my living room. I just got done doing all my chores around the house. Did laundry, dishes, made the bed, and cleaned the kitchen. I read a little bit of my book earlier this morning but am also planning on reading a little bit more tonight. It's getting really good and exciting. It's called We Are All the Same in the Dark. It's definitely a murder mystery... » Continue Reading

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Nacho Ride Tragedy!

Category: Friends

Sunday March 25th, my friends and I went on our practice Nach Ride. Me and my one friend rode all the way from my house which would have made it about twenty-two miles there and back. My other friend was doing ten miles there and back, but we had a bit of a debacle on the way back. The friend who rode with me from my house got a flat tire and we didn't have anything to fix it! So we walked about t... » Continue Reading

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A too long blog about my pets

Category: Blogging

I'm about to go to sleep soon. Right now, I'm in bed with my dogs Riley and Lilly, listening to a Youtube video on my phone, and also on my computer "blogging". I don't think I've ever talked about my pets actually, so I should do that now. Riley is a thirteen-year-old Yorkie. I've had her since she was around three months old, so I've had her for a long time. She's not a very cuddly dog and she's... » Continue Reading

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Nacho Ride Practice!

Category: Blogging

Tomorrow me and my friends are doing a half "Nacho Ride". Nacho Rides don't start for a little while, but one of my friends hasn't done one yet so it would be a good idea for her to have a little practice run. It should be nice out and we'll bring a little lunch. We're all excited for it. » Continue Reading

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My bike pedals keep destroying my clothes and should I get rid of my car?

Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

So, I've been riding a lot to the gym. I rode to the gym today and then after the gym I rode to the library to return a book. I'm so excited to just ride my bike everywhere. Like just even to the grocery store. I'm starting earlier than I have in the past, so I'm hoping this will just put me in such a good spot when summer officially starts. The first day of spring is in twenty-eight days and spri... » Continue Reading

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Abandoned school building dream

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

I’m driving down this one street by my parent’s house and I see my younger on the sidewalk along this street. She says she needs a ride and gets in. I think she needs a ride to work. We get to a building that looks like an abandoned school building. We are inside the school building walking around, but then suddenly we need to leave. We start walking down the stairs together. As we’re walking down... » Continue Reading

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Welp, not doing that again.

Category: Blogging

Well, I'm back home already. Hanging out with the old friends was so awkward and uncomfortable. I expected it to be slightly uncomfortable, but it was slightly more uncomfortable than I expected. I haven't seen anyone in a long time actually hanging out, and when I got there, we immediately started playing board games. I thought there would be some 'catching up', but it felt like everyone wanted t... » Continue Reading

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Live show and hanging out with old.....friends?

Category: Blogging

Went to the Willi Carlisle show last night and it was super fun. He's so good live. He plays the guitar, Bango, cow bones, and the harmonica. The girl, Ken Pomeroy, was really good too. Tonight, I'm going to hang out with some friends I kinda had a falling out with. It's been over a year since I've hung out with everyone, so it'll be interesting to see how it goes. I think it's going to be sooooo ... » Continue Reading

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Valentines Day, concert, and gym

Category: Blogging

Yesterday was Valentine's Day! I had a good time. I made floor bed, we watched the movie Election, then watched South Park, and ate Pizza Hut. I also got veryyyy high, so I passed out pretty early. Tomorrow we're going to a Willi Carlisle show. The first time we saw him it was only because another friend of ours told us we should go. The friend bailed on the show, but we still went and he was real... » Continue Reading

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