This video i just finished, and its so fuckung perfect like seriously This video perfecvtly expresses ALL my thoughts on this and it makes me realize that people out there do fe » Continue Reading
Like brah. over the past 3 weeks i've been sick with 3 different things like it all just keeps coming. The werld hates me a lot i think.. -_- soo yeah just in case you were wondering where i went and why i haven't been here in a WHIIIIIIILE! First i had the flu, then i got better from the flu. then right after i caught a cold, then i got better from the cold. then right after i finally thought it ... » Continue Reading
2020 alt is literally emo 2000s.. just 20 years later. its the SAME FUCKING THING. theyre wearing all black, have their hair in their face, huge chunky boots, chains, character hats, chokers, shitty music, energy drinks, edgy humor, DIY patches and skulls, heavy bullying, its all there. like people bullied alt kids like they bullie » Continue Reading
Goalz (2005) imma check them off in the comments if i remember. 1. grow out my hair, specifically my bangs and cut it better 2. get more clothes!!(you can never have enough.) 3. fixing my voice (i'm trying guys! i think its working a little bit) 4. achieve 2007 emo (music+style+lifestyle, im like halfway there..) 5. get into more music 6. watch more movies 7. watch more south park episodes,maybe ... » Continue Reading
this might be a bit of a rant but here's how my weekend went if you are intereseted. On saturday i went to long island and i stayed at the community pool in my aunt's area and that was fun. There wasn't any other kids though it was just kinda adults but i had fun talking to them. my sister was there and i talked to her too. then i went back to the house to get changed and then later we all had piz... » Continue Reading
i made an emo hangout game on ROBLOX and i wanted u guys to check it out x) I spent a few days on it. it is supposed to be based off classic hangout games. tell me what you think, and have fun!!!!!!! » Continue Reading
i am just doing absolutely nothing as of now so i got like nothign to share ever but hey um how is everyone this is not really a blog so i will try to make it one I went a thrift store with my friend 2 weeks ago and i got perfectly fitting ripped skinny jeans that are very comfortable,and pink domo plush with the addition of a domo wallet(lucky find). And a get a little skate board with a cute des... » Continue Reading
yeah sorry about my profile being a now dead wasteland i dont think spacehey liked that i had 100000000000000000000000000 images and stickers on my profile so it deleted them all. this is so kawaii Thanks edit: this is all glitter graphics fault....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i am NOT fixing all of this! Im going to let gliter graphics fix this. » Continue Reading
sorry ive been dead for 10 billion years i was dealing with 'the Great Depression' and playing video games,and watching YouTube to cure it and then now i have overcome it and also i keep forgetting this website exists so like yeahhhhhhhhhh but also give kudos and comment if you like cookies :3 wawnna see How you guys are » Continue Reading