Welp, I have now lived in NYC for 10 years, officially longer than any other city I have lived in my entire life. Many complex feelings about the subject, but here are a few simpler ones. I didn't move here with any kind of plan in mind, but I feel like I have finally found "my thing" in terms of career (took long enough!)...but I also know it won't work anywhere else (at least not the WAY it work... » Continue Reading
I figure it couldn't hurt to put little stream updates in here too sometimes, as long as they're aren't too spammy, right? I stream Jackbox every Saturday night from 8-11pm (eastern), come join us sometime! Some notes about the last stream (December 5th): » Continue Reading
I can't wait for the bulletin feature to become live! Until then, how did you find this website? I saw a link to it on today's edition of https://fuckinghomepage.com. » Continue Reading