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Category: Life

New York, New York

Welp, I have now lived in NYC for 10 years, officially longer than any other city I have lived in my entire life.

Many complex feelings about the subject, but here are a few simpler ones.

I didn't move here with any kind of plan in mind, but I feel like I have finally found "my thing" in terms of career (took long enough!)...but I also know it won't work anywhere else (at least not the WAY it works here). So if I ever move, I'll also have to reconsider how I make my living, and that's actually something I never want to have to do now that I finally have a job that actually rules. You know, it's easy to pick up and move around when none of your jobs have ever mattered to you and you anticipate that trend continuing indefinifetly. But once you're self-employed and you love what you do, there is literally no going back (at least, not mentally). I can never be a "regular employee" ever again (not that I was ever good at doing that to begin with), and even if I moved my business it would have to undergo a radical change. But while I'm not exactly where I want to be (are any of us?), I'm also really proud of what I've done with it. Nobody else from my upbringing environment can claim to have accomplished a sliver of what I have, so there's something to be said for that (I think?).

But I don't want to be an old person here either, honestly, like...don't we all want to spend our older years somewhere easier, more comfortable, more convenient, more affordable, more stable/secure, around more friends and family? Things to consider. Things to consider.

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Unstoppable Lobster

Unstoppable Lobster's profile picture

Here's the thing about NYC. It's definitely not quiet and definitely not perfect, but having lived all my life here, all the tropes and complaints I've seen about American life in other forms of media felt strange to me. Things like going to the mall to hang out. Having to drive 15 minutes into town to buy food. This stuff seems so alien to me.

Turns out NYC is one of the few cities that is walkable. Not all of it, but a vast majority of NYC is walkable. If not, we have a broken but still functional public transportation system to get around in. We don't really have any true suburbs here in NYC. That makes the place convenient. Something a lot of other cities don't have.

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ⒶndyⒶnarchy's profile picture

Can confirm. I will never go back to being employed for someone else. My labor is mine. Congrats on your 10 years!

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