My Understanding - MULEs - Death Stranding
Category: Games
This only pertains to normal mules. i can't wrap my head around terrorist mules the same way i did these ones. » Continue Reading
"Working on 'Top Ten'."
17 - Mansfield, Ohio - Gemini -
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Category: Games
This only pertains to normal mules. i can't wrap my head around terrorist mules the same way i did these ones. » Continue Reading
Category: Games
I am way too attached to Sen even though i haven't even decided if its a boy or whatever. I'm going to call him a "he" through this. Sen is a tiger/cat beast who acts as a pet and guard to [nameless antagonist] that would follow the player throughout the game. he can always be seen in the background and you could never get close to him until the 'fight' with him » Continue Reading
Category: Games
This is The Watcher or The Sentinel . It is a cat-like creature with an eye on its tail and both shoulder blades. Its body is adorned with insect-like legs and pinchers on its chest. it has a slit on its chest acting as a mouth. The tail would most likely be the weak point. It is around 8 feet tall standing on all fours. » Continue Reading
Category: SpaceHey
-Speaking as Fire(!) Lefan() Techno()- X-19-XXXX One of our men introduced me to an accompanying group named "The monstrum Guild". Interesting few, The entirety of the group seem to be Plague doctors calling themselves a evil containment group. The alliance came along due to them being under » Continue Reading
Category: Art and Photography
I know you shouldn't "Humanize the villian" but i love imagining all stefano's 'living art' is like his children. » Continue Reading
Category: Games
Spoilers[?] its 4 years old. I see where hes coming from but jesus he's dumb. If he went willingly he must of gotten impatient and gotten himself harbingered. If not: theodore had to go there, get him, but why o'neal? He had a big one by the » Continue Reading
Category: Games
The DnD club i'm in at school is doing multiple groups in one campaign so we had to make a group name. We came up with "The insomniacs". The icon is an eye with the bottom lid stitched/stapled down. There is a monster hunter guild in our campaign so our group is kinda under watch [more said as a joke but you never know] because » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Diggity dang might as well Make this. I mentioned it before but here we are. Its hard to explain How i see it so screw it i'm not gonna explain it. [I posted this here and in Bulletin.] [There is honestly a point where i cant pinpoint my personality from what i've taken in from w » Continue Reading
Category: SpaceHey
Creepypasta is a gateway dr\_/g I swear to god. creepypasta slung me into slenderverse. Slenderverse made me obsessed with rabbits. it's downhill from here. » Continue Reading
Category: Books and Stories
Im working on an Adventure-Romance story about a group of people who get stranded in the woods with no memory, an the adventure continues they find themselves growing fond of each other. I regret starting it on wattpad cause it is nowhere close to being drafted enough to post. When i get my device back Ill remove it and fully draft it. I know its iffy but i put the cha » Continue Reading