Category: Games
I am so excited for the splatfest this weekend!! I'm on team wisdom, what are you on? » Continue Reading
"chewing gum cuz im silly"
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Category: Games
I am so excited for the splatfest this weekend!! I'm on team wisdom, what are you on? » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Today was really messy. I left school for an orthodontist appointment and came back two hours later. also my crush hates me. anyways there was a choir concert it sucked and im so glad to be home » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
I noticed that my organized brother uses separate products for everything but the messy brother uses 3 in 1 products. I just don't get that! How do you put mouthwash, shampoo, and bodywash all in a bottle? You're essentially drinking shampoo. You're putting mouthwash in your hair. It's healthier and more hygienic to use separate products. He also uses a 4 in 1 toothpaste, facewash, conditioner, an... » Continue Reading
Category: School, College, University
Today was the field trip for the end of the year at school and it was very fun. We got to go to a real world economy simulation where business would pay loans and do taxes. I was the CEO of Chick-Fil-A and had to manage everything. » Continue Reading
Category: Romance and Relationships
So today my crush texted me first asking me if I was the CEO of Chick-Fil-A for the field trip and I said "Yes, and who are you? " and he said "Mayor, can you save a stuffed cow for me?" and that's when my heart started racing super fast and I got that warm fuzzy feeling! I said "Ofc!!" and then sent pics of my hair and then he said "Nice I like it" and omg i luv him sm and then He said thanks aga... » Continue Reading
Category: Writing and Poetry
So at school we are allowed to use grammarly, but using it feels like a cheat for essays. I mean I like writing essays but the others might not so I don’t mind. They released this new thing called “Grammarly Go” and you put in a subject and it spews out a detailed response for you! I think that this could possibly write full essays for people, so I don’t want the teachers finding out. » Continue Reading
Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
So yesterday I dyed my beautiful blonde hair with red kool aid but it ended up looking more pink than red. It's okay. That's my favorite color! » Continue Reading
Category: Food and Restaurants
So today I was eating a cupcake and I stopped to think about what flavor it was. It looked vanilla, but then I saw the batter part, and it looked lemon. Vanilla Frosting, Lemon batter. » Continue Reading
Category: Games
I look around at all my classmates and I see them just doodling and drawing these majestic artworks! How do they do that? » Continue Reading