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— 5 Kudos


Category: Travel and Places

HAIIIIIIII HALLO ^_^ I went to Six Flags today with my dfamily and it was pretty funnn im super tired and my feet hurt real bad tho. we rode the texas giant and then the titan and then me and my dad rode the superman cuz everyone else was too scared but its literally not even that scary its fun asf :33 im totally exhausted we spent the entire day there and waiting in lines and walking around all d... » Continue Reading

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first hangover O_o

Category: Life

Woke up feeling SOO BAD this morning i felt so sick from all the shots i did last night auuu me and my boyfriend were playing uno and taking shots every time we had to draw a card.. needless to say i got wasted in less than 20 minutes lolll which in hindsight was kinda not a good idea.. then we both passed out and i woke up at like 8am feeling so sick and i spent the nexxt 2 hours trying to soothe... » Continue Reading

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2 Comments— 6 Kudos


Category: Life

Haiiiii guyss :33 i had an awesome day today!!!! I went out with my friends for the first time in months and i genuniuely had the most fun evarrr :DD We got boba and then chilled at my friends place for awhile and then we went and saw COCAINE BEARR movie and it was sooo fun the movie was pretty stupid but i still enjoyed it. This asshole sitting by us told us to shut the fuck up and it was uncalle... » Continue Reading

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— 4 Kudos

(( O_O ))

Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

I WANNA QUIT MY JOB SO BAD AAAUUUGGGGGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so tiredd -___-; im just gonna see this month thru and quit in April if i still feel this way.. for now im gonna get a lip piercing this weekend becuz i deserve it ^_^  » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

today kinda sucked im so tired of my job sighh i cant wait to quit in 6 months when i start school  ~_~ speaking of whcih im very excited to finally experience college even tho im already 2 years in lol (only done online school up until now) Another thing im looking forward to is going on a roadtrip with my boyfriend in May to Arkansas ^_^ just thinking about it gets me so happy i miss him alot li... » Continue Reading

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— 2 Kudos


Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

iDK IF ITS BC IM HIGH BUT THAT WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVARRR!!!!!!!!!!1 i feel changed i cannot bwlieve how good movie tht was O_o go watch Epitaph on youtube its like a gothic romance with like scarey stuff and a bit of gore but not too bad (trust me im like soo afraid of gore and i could handle it) and its kind of confusing but but the end it all comes together and even the parts im like stilll not ... » Continue Reading

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— 4 Kudos


Category: Life

deciding to take a chill day today since i dont have any work or school :] i wanna watch this cool movie that i heard about ,but i cant find a site that hosts it ~_~ in the meantime i will play sims. i love playing sims so much i cant believe i never played this game at all up until now it is soo fun i miss my boyfriend  » Continue Reading

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update >_>;

Category: Life

haiiiiii sorry for late update i been playing the sims all day XP ,the mall was suuper funn i bought a kiwi themed jewelry holder (i luv kiwis) and just had an overall awesum time :3 .aftwerwards i went home n chilledd and then got in call w my friends and had so much fun playing sims and just chatting :33 then i talked to my boyfriend for a bit and man i just love him soo much im like head over h... » Continue Reading

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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping

going to the mall today with my sister!! its very gloomy outside and i havent gone to the mall in a while so im nervous about what outfit to wear >_> still excited tho cuz luv hanging out with my sis x3 ,,will update later! » Continue Reading

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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

TODAY i am going to complete my tasks!!!!!1 THAT MUCH IS TRUE... then i will call my boyfriend as a reward!,, WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!! >:3c » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

HAVING A GOOD DAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats all :3c » Continue Reading

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learning korean :3

Category: Blogging

my boyfriend is teaching me korean and it;s sooo fun ^_^ i already learned the alphabet and he's gonna teach me vowels tonite :33 » Continue Reading

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