/* Set the background image for the page */ body { background-image: url("https://i.postimg.cc/PJsxsN6x/3.png"); background-size: cover; background-position: center; font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; /* Set font to Courier */ color: #000000; /* Black text for readability */ margin: 0; padding: 0; } :root { --container-green: rgba(204, 255, 204, 0.7); /* Light pastel green with lower ... » Continue Reading
i cannot believe this motherfucker got his ass raw over me just having a female voice. sucker was malding. Like, I literally saved our team and he's insulting me LUL. rip..i flamed him too much i think. also rascal is me. video » Continue Reading
!!!TO ANY FANS OF TF2 ( TEAM FORTRESS 2)!!! I made a free public zine. I'm just gonna dump the first issue here. I made most of the art and there is writing + other art by friends as well. Of course I am not a graphics design master, I just wanted to do something for this thing I was passionate about when covid hit in 2020. Let me know if you guys like it! PS if you wanna read it and be able to ... » Continue Reading