me and my friend shared some alcohol at school two days ago. it wasn't like a lot, but i felt so amazing. like i just did not give a shit and it was fun as hell, we even skipped through the halls together. about an hour later it made me feel a bit fuzzy which felt kinda like getting off of a rollercoaster. but i did try to take a nap on the floor in my next class » Continue Reading
Newspapers and broadcasts have recently just been a bunch of useless junk. That or it’s just brainless fear mongering. I think the reason behind this is because, when news became freely available and more instant with the internet, news sources turned from being a way to communicate ideas and current events to just being a way to earn money. In turn, the people now becoming reporters are just look... » Continue Reading
I know that this is kind of an old topic but it came up when me and my friend were talking about ex-mutual friend that was a gooner and into booktok. I hate booktok so much because first of all, it's literally just porn. The "bookworms" are just porn addicts and it's so annoying that they can't appreciate actually literature without it having 50000 sex scenes. Plus, a lot of the time it's just rom... » Continue Reading
I love poker and blackjack and roulette so much it's not a joke anymore Can't wait to be old enough to fly to Vegas and gamble away all my life savings (No slot machines those are ugly) (I hate baccarat) » Continue Reading
I live in Florida. It rarely ever snows here, but it did today. Earlier this night, I was outside trying to make a snow man without having my hands freeze off. While I was kneeling in the middle of the road, trying to make the base for the snowman, I saw someone walking near me out of the corner of my eye. Mind you, it's dark outside and nobody is outside. I was a little surprised, so I jumped, bu... » Continue Reading
sometimes i wonder if the incels that started using the term 'alpha male' are jealous of the ones who started using the term 'sigma male'. Kind of like how we used to get pissed when someone had a cooler tail than you whenever we were playing mermaids at the pool. » Continue Reading
My friends really mean so much to me, they’re the reason I’m even here to begin with. I really hope that they know how much I love them and like spending time with them. Like, honestly, my home life is so crappy that I just look forward to school. Every weekend or school break, I just think about going to school. I don’t even like school, I just like hanging out with my friends. Everyday in class,... » Continue Reading
so my friend and I walked to the gas station after school. Not bc we had any money or shit, we were going to steal something. So, we’re just walking around and for some reason everybody and their mother is at the bitch, seriously there was probably at least 10 fucking employees there. Like wth do you need that many gas station employees for? After a moment, we look at the snack section bc im hung... » Continue Reading
Since Christmas just passed, there's been a trend showcasing what people got for Christmas. They'll have one caption line be like ""I got a dyson and lululemon"" and then second line be like "shut up this is what I got for Christmas". It's kind of hard to explain, but if you know what I'm talking about, then you know what I'm talking about. This obviously isn't the first trend like it, but it stil... » Continue Reading
I just had to explain to my friend that I mistyped and pressed C instead of D. This doesn't seem like much of a deal until you try to type 'dummy' and end up calling the person 'cummy'. Very awkward discussion, 2/10, would not do again. » Continue Reading