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Category: News and Politics

News Outlets Are Dead

Newspapers and broadcasts have recently just been a bunch of useless junk. That or it’s just brainless fear mongering. I think the reason behind this is because, when news became freely available and more instant with the internet, news sources turned from being a way to communicate ideas and current events to just being a way to earn money. In turn, the people now becoming reporters are just looking for an easy way to make money. How do they do this? They mindlessly pump out useless articles about insignificant and unimportant things. That or they take advantage of peoples’ fears and beliefs to fear monger. People that take these logical fallacies as fact are insufferable to be around and tend to be extremely negative and pessimistic about anything and everything. In general, I’m just talking about the “far left” and “far right”, the main targets for political propaganda and fear mongering. With reliable news becoming easier to access on the internet, people often forget to take everything they read with a grain of salt, causing people to think the worst of everything. I think that the loss of credibility of major news sources also links into people losing the ability to agree to disagree.

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Emers❤️'s profile picture

ts so intellectual twin

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tf are you doing here stupid ahh yn

by Lerd; ; Report


whoah's profile picture

Yeap, news sites have been basically useless for as long as I can remember [I only plugged into the matrix in like 2017 when I was 11] I ignore essentially all news now because nothing can show me news! No tv, no ads, no phone to give me useless news noti gangs, nothing! It's nice

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