is it possible to completely relinquish control and stress over every tiny aspect of your life and just be passive and accepting to whatever happens? allowing life to flow through you type shit. lmk if you've reached that stage of enlightenment because it interests me. » Continue Reading
do you think you're the reincarnation of someone famous bc sometimes i pretend i'm the reincarnation of jimi hendrix or sum shit like wouldn't that b so cool who could you b the reincarnation of lmk » Continue Reading
every day i'm in school i think about how i never made the choice to be here and how i've never really truly made an uninfluenced decision in my life and then i wonder who i'd be rn if i hadn't been exposed to other people's opinions on who i should be and what i should do with my life. like is any decision truly yours bc we've all been subconsciously influenced our whole lives so maybe it's impos... » Continue Reading
why are drugs illegal they just make u happy and make u see swirly patterns in some cases. like alcohol and cigarettes are bad for ur health too but they're still legal legalise meth 2023!! » Continue Reading
do u ever look in the mirror and realise like that is me it's so weird i feel like my thoughts and mirror me are two completely different people but ur saying that's all just me? like wtf » Continue Reading