SpaceHey is turning four years old!! 🥳 It's crazy how fast time passes when you're having fun building something like SpaceHey! I can't imagine that it was four (!!) years ago when I launched the very first version of SpaceHey! I've spent the past year mainly working on improving the existing features and fixing bugs on SpaceHey while also juggling university life. The coming year will be a busy o... » Continue Reading
Hello everyone - it's been a while! I was super busy with university and my mandatory internship in a software company for the past 6 months, so I haven't posted in a while. But that doesn't mean that I was inactive - I spent nearly every evening and every weekend working on SpaceHey. I didn't develop any new ground-breaking features, but instead I focused on improving the overall SpaceHey experie... » Continue Reading
Hey there, everyone! Today is a very, very special day. First of all, today is SpaceHey's third anniversary! Exactly three years ago, on November 26, 2020, I released the very first version of SpaceHey to the world. 3 ʳᵈ Anniversary When I launched SpaceHey, I wasn't sure if it was something people wanted - or if it would stay a small side project, like many projects and experiments I launched bef... » Continue Reading
Today, SpaceHey turns two! Time really flies when you're having fun! 🥳 The past two years have been a blast! SpaceHey grew to nearly 600k users, SpaceHey turned into a big, friendly community and there are now hundreds of thousands of blog entries, forum topics, bulletins and - last but not least - millions of Instant Messages! And that's what today's update is all about! Introducing the all-new S... » Continue Reading
Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well! I'm super excited to announce a few SpaceHey updates today! Let's get started! First of all, the biggest one: SpaceHey Merchandise! Starting today, you can visit (or use the new "Shop" tab on the top right of SpaceHey) to shop high-quality SpaceHey T-shirts, Hoodies, Sweaters and Cups! By buying one of the items, you can » Continue Reading
Yes, you read that right: Today, SpaceHey crossed 500 000 registered users! Five hundred thousand! 🤯 This is incredible!! I can't really believe this yet! I started SpaceHey about one and a half years ago at the end of 2020 as a fun, nostalgic project - and I would've never thought that it would bring joy to so many people one day! I am incredibly grateful for all of your support, your messages, ... » Continue Reading
WOW! SpaceHey turns 1 today! 🥳 One year ago, I launched SpaceHey to the world. I had just graduated from high school and couldn't travel around the world (which was my plan), so I started working on SpaceHey. It was planned as a fun, nostalgic project and I would have never thought that just one year later, there will be around 400 000 people on it! And yet, today - one year later - this is exactl... » Continue Reading
Since creating SpaceHey, privacy has always been an important aspect for me. I'm always trying to make SpaceHey as privacy-friendly as possible, and today I want to take this a step further. Private Profiles This is a feature at lot of you have been asking for: Private profiles! Starting today, you can visit your Account Settings and set your Profile to "Private". This will only allow your Fr » Continue Reading
Whaaat??!! We passed 150 000 people on SpaceHey - That's incredibly awesome!! I actually can't quite believe it! I don't know what to say other than THANK YOU ! Thank you to every single one of you - you rock! When I created SpaceHey, I would have never believed if someone told me that less than a year later, over 150 thousand people will use SpaceHey. And yet, that's exactly what's the case now. ... » Continue Reading
Yes, it's true: SpaceHey Groups are here! I worked on the Groups feature and a lot more in the past weeks! Groups The most requested feature is here! Introducing SpaceHey Groups - a place to meet like-minded people, share content and talk about the topics you care about! Starting today, everyone on SpaceHey can create and join Groups. Groups currently consist of two parts: a Group Bulletin Boar » Continue Reading
A few days ago, SpaceHey hit 100 000 registered users... this is incredible!! Thank you so much everyone! I really hope you enjoy SpaceHey! I want to take this milestone as an opportunity to talk a bit about my plans for the near future! In the last weeks, I've upgraded the SpaceHey Servers and I'm currently in the process of optimizing the performance of everything even further... so expect Space... » Continue Reading
Happy New Year everyone! In this Blog post I'd like to share the plans I have for SpaceHey in 2021! SpaceHey Music I'm currently working on SpaceHey Music - a way for independant artists to share their Music directly on SpaceHey to a wide audience. Every person on SpaceHey can then browse throug » Continue Reading