An's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

SpaceHey turns two! ๐ŸŽ‚

Today, SpaceHey turns two! Time really flies when you're having fun! ๐Ÿฅณ

The past two years have been a blast! SpaceHey grew to nearly 600k users, SpaceHey turned into a big, friendly community and there are now hundreds of thousands of blog entries, forum topics, bulletins and - last but not least - millions of Instant Messages! And that's what today's update is all about!

Introducing the all-new SpaceHey IM

One of the most used features on SpaceHey is the Instant Messenger: it allows you to chat with your friends on SpaceHey in 1:1 conversations!

It worked pretty well in the past 2 years, but I always imagined it to be better in many ways and unleash it's full potential: It could look way better, it could be faster, and it should be optimized for mobile browsers even better.

That's why I've spent the past weeks finally! working on those aspects - and the result of it is a completely new SpaceHey Instant Messenger with a new design, new features and a faster backend!

Old SpaceHey IM Screenshot
The old SpaceHey IM

New SpaceHey IM Screenshot
The new SpaceHey IM - Try it out!

What's New

The new Instant Messenger has a completely new, retro design which works super-well on both mobile and desktop browsers. Chat messages are now delivered in nearly real-time, and you can filter your chats to only show messages from your "Favorite Users" list!

The new SpaceHey IM prominently shows the current status of the chat participants, so your friends can easily see what you're up to!

Delete messages & control who can message you!

But that's not all! There are also two new, highly-requested IM features rolling out today: The option to fully delete messages for both chat participants and the option to customize who can start an IM conversation with you!

Until now, only your Friends could start IM conversations with you. But now, you can change it to include everyone on SpaceHey - or nobody - to completely disable IMs - if you want to! You can change this setting in your Account Settings.

Thank you to every single one of you!

I want to take this special day as an opportunity to say thank you. Thank you for all the support, the suggestions and all the kind words in the past 2 years (I still can't believe it's already 2 years)! SpaceHey wouldn't be as awesome and fun as it is without every one of you - so THANK YOU!

Additionally, I want to give a huge shout-out to everyone who supports SpaceHey - no matter if it's a donation, or buying some merchandise - SpaceHey couldn't exists financially without you! You can support SpaceHey here โ†’

I hope you enjoy this big IM update today! And now, let's all celebrate the second anniversary of SpaceHey together! ๐Ÿฅณ

902 Kudos


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An's profile picture

It seems like the update broke a few servers, so SpaceHey might be a bit unstable right now. Sorry! I'm working on it!

Everything should be back online and fully working! Please let me know if anything doesn't work for you!
Enjoy the SpaceHey IM update!

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Happy Birthday!

by Zaroova; ; Report

Mines doing the same thing as cypherโ€™s

by xXExpulziveXx; ; Report

Yeah IMโ€™s donโ€™t work for me, keeps telling me Iโ€™m offlineโ€ฆ went in and fiddled with my account and still; nothing ):

by เผ’๐Œ‚๐Œ๐Œ๐ŒŠ๐Œ†๐Œ„ Z๐Œ๐Œ‘๐Œ๐Œ†๐Œ„เผ’; ; Report

Gunna check brb

by xXExpulziveXx; ; Report

Nope, didnโ€™t work:(

by xXExpulziveXx; ; Report

No, I use my drawing tablet for spacehey so I have a keyboard, and thereโ€™s no update fir me

by xXExpulziveXx; ; Report


by Bullwinkle80; ; Report

I can't thank you enough An!!

by ๐™ฑ๐šŽ๐šŽ ๐Ÿ; ; Report

Why can we only upload one pic, Mypsace was able to upload many

by Mike Schreiber; ; Report

Why can we only upload one pic, Mypsace was able to upload many

by Mike Schreiber; ; Report

Happy Anniversary!!! ๐ŸŽ‰

by Alba Nuvo; ; Report

Happy birthday Spacehey

by Kiki <}; ; Report

New here but happy birthday!

by Tennesseelover; ; Report

Still owe me the Supporter tag

by Quentin; ; Report

Let's run Zuckerville out of business! -Diobolos, Undead Prince Of Pennsylvania V''''V

by The Pittsburgh Ghoul Order; ; Report

Thank you for your passion in coding. ๐Ÿ’—

by Uzzi; ; Report


SiderealSIngerYT's profile picture

It would be cool if you can do video chat on here

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luna's profile picture


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charlie!! ๐Ÿ‰

charlie!! ๐Ÿ‰'s profile picture


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Jinx 's profile picture

I'm so glad this site exists, tysm for making it!
I'm so abandoning FB for this lol

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fr lol

by charlie!! ๐Ÿ‰; ; Report


Cervidae's profile picture

photo and video uploads? dark mode? layout templates? built-in playlists? group chats? status updates? :3

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Jason Anderson

Jason Anderson's profile picture

Stream Statues, Photo Albums, Bands profiles Are a MUST to have if spacehey to survive

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Skorps's profile picture

Please add photo galleries!

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square's profile picture

I'm so happy that I found SpaceHey. It's just a non-fleeting experience~

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by remmy98; ; Report


Pluto's profile picture

happy bday posers :D

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โธธแŽ าฝฤ…ีงีฐแƒฏ_แƒฏแŽ ษพาฝฤ…สาฝษพโธธ

โธธแŽ าฝฤ…ีงีฐแƒฏ_แƒฏแŽ ษพาฝฤ…สาฝษพโธธ's profile picture

I am not sure if it is something you want to do, but I know if there is an option to pay for subscriptions to allow us to upload pictures to albums, thus we play for the server space and continue to pay for the server space each month. Just a baby idea, but a few of us have been brainstorming this idea. It's a good way to add more money to pay for servers.

I don't know if it is a feasible idea at all, because I don't know how much servers are or to keep them funded once server space is purchased. Either way, I love this site and am so thankful that you created it!

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Vernon Mahoney

Vernon Mahoney's profile picture

Thank you so much for all the work that you do!!!

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Moonlightt_Editz's profile picture


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SheHoff's profile picture

Just found SpaceHey today. Everything is awesoooome! ๐ŸŽถ Breath of fresh air.

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TZone's profile picture

So-so turned out to be a messenger

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Noé's profile picture

Would a dark mode be considered for the next update? I like many others cannot handle the default white colors of the site.

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!! this id love to see a dark mode

by Anakin; ; Report

i agree, a dark mode would def be easier on the eyes

by SceneDemon; ; Report


rai-rai ๐Ÿ˜Ž's profile picture


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Starz's profile picture

I forgot to say thiz but Thankz for fixing mine (and hopefully otherz) IMz!

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BLADER's profile picture


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June's profile picture

I got rick rolled ToT

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