i'm not sure why, but i've always felt this strong need to be different. i don’t like the idea of just blending in with everyone else. at school, i see so many girls who look like copies of each other—wearing the same clothes, acting the same way. most of them are mean too—they act nice on the surface but talk behind people's backs, even about their so-called friends. it’s hard to understand why p... » Continue Reading
I was looking through the recent blogs and i saw alot of these secret message boxes. looks fun! i want to try it out! https://secret.share-on.me/EupI2hJDLO you can just put random stuff if you want! :) » Continue Reading
i honestly don’t get how winter can be anyone’s favorite season. like, it’s just sooooo cold. every time i’m biking to school, my fingers literally feel like they’re gonna fall off. and then there’s that horrible snow mixed with rain situation, which makes everything wet and somehow even colder. i swear, by the time i get home from school, i’m drenched and freezing, and it’s the absolute worst. » Continue Reading
this is my opinion, dont hate me for this: i dont like eating cereal with milk. i dont get how people prefer cereal with milk over cereal without. first off, i dont really like drinking plain milk. some people just drink a glass of milk, and i honestly cant understand how they enjoy it. the taste of milk on its own is just not for me. sure » Continue Reading
Ello!!!! i love summer break!!! i'm halfway in my break of like 7 weekz. my break has been great so far! first I had a maths camp, hehe i know it sounds wierd (^_^;), but it was really fun! i have some amazing friends there and everyone is really kind (and autistic ( ^ω^ )). anywayzzz, then i had a week where i just played minecraft and went on walks outside. after that i had a musical camp with m... » Continue Reading