* ive been rlly wanting to be part of a campaign but i cant find any1 to join!!! i need a DM and some other ppl to play ;-; BTW ive never played DND b4- * pls comment if u want 2 play some!! any1 is welcome 2 ask but beware th4t i am 15- * it'll b hosted on discord!! » Continue Reading
* HAII!! * so i 0bsess ovr thingz easily, n i just met n amazing person BUTTTT 1 cant t3ll if i love th3m or im obsessing again... * when im around them my heart feelz liek itz burning n my thr04t feels tight BUT it d0esnt feel liek a positive emotion??? lik3.. iznt love supposed 2 be positive?? 1 think abt them all da time but i juzt feel... infatuated ig?>?? bvt it isnt rlly positive or negativ... » Continue Reading
* suuuu... i just lost a good friend :P * im l00king for another one!! pls comment/m3ssage me if ur interested in being friendz!! * what 1'd prefer: n0t an adult... im a minor... s0meone that likes FNaF, Dialtown, 0r DHMIS!!! som3one w/ minecraft s0 we can play!! ARTIZTzZ i want m0re friends who alzo do art TwT * UHH THATz IT!! » Continue Reading
* i've known that im a part of s syst3m forr about a ye4r, but shits stuff v confusing. anyw4ys, her3s sum stuff ive learned fr0m the year ive known i was an alt3r * soo one thing i l34rned is 2 NEVER think abt ur place in the system, it just stress3s u out. dont th1nk abt your role to0 much, dont th1nk about how ur not just one person, dont. think. it s4v3s alot of stress * another th1ng i le4rne... » Continue Reading
* ooki so me n my cl4ss r reading ' the necklace ' n i LOVE Mr.l0isel AND ME ARCH NEEMEMESIS KEEPS SLANDERING HEEM!!!! i want 2 fight her so badly.............. » Continue Reading
* NUUUUUUU I FORGIT TO UPDATE YESTURDAY DDDD: * I WILLZ TRY 2 MAKE SURE 2 POST EVRY DAY THO!! * ANYHOOT- yesturday i got signed up 4 therapy :P wich ig is good buuuuuutttt yea * 2day i got me phone taken away bc i wuz on it in class :l i can gut it aftr schools tho!! * me arch NEMISIS taffy iz egsistsing.. and i H8 IT!! sh3 still stalkz me on tikktokk bUT luckilee i can post abt it on h3re and no... » Continue Reading
* HAIIIII!!! ive decided 2 start making weeklu/daily blog postz... idk how often im going 2 be updating lolz.. * ANYWAYZZZ,,,, 2day is sunday, septembr 11th, 2022.. stark ( biomom!! ) haz work 2day and isnt hereez. hyprfixed on FNAFZ!! I LUV FNAF!!! ummmm i just found me switch n i rlly wnat 2 get da new splatooon gayme... but it costz MONEY!! mon3y that i dont hav... current fav plush iz cinnabun... » Continue Reading
* okk, so thiz girl had beenz harassing me allll last year so i got a makeshivt restraining order against her, right? nwo this year she keeps staring at me and looks away when i notice her!!! its making me so uncomfy and paranoid!!! she waz stalking me alll summer 2!!! im scared :(((( and me psychosis isnt making this any betterrr :(((((( * do any of u ppl have any ideas on how 2 protect meself? i... » Continue Reading