
"probably gaming"
23, gamer, nerd
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Current favourites!
Category: Quiz/Survey
Current favourite: Game series: Yakuza/Like A Dragon Favourite entry: Yakuza 0 Band: BUCK-TICK Favourite album: Juusankai Wa Gekkou TV show: The Boys Anime: Hellsing Ultimate Manga: Hellsing Book: Vampire Hunter D Fictional characters: Goro Majima (Yakuza), Ichiban Kasuga (Yakuza), Kaz » Continue Reading
I miss the way that laptops used to be :(
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
I got my first laptop back about 10 years ago. It looked like it was supposed to have a disc drive but it didn't. It had an SD card slot, it had a full size keyboard, and a wide range of things that could be plugged in. It lasted me until 2021. It still works, it is just extremely slow and the screen is washed out. I got a new laptop in 2021. I like this laptop, I'm using it right now. It's a touc... » Continue Reading
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Leaving social media has been great, I feel like myself again.
Category: Life
I decided to drop the majority of social media a while ago. (I have only really kept Twitter just so I can get post notifications.) I have been able to enjoy things on my own without the opinions of others swaying what I might think. Seeing people with their moral superiority on whether or not "X is problematic, do not watch it/play it/etc" is very draining when you already know how to consume med... » Continue Reading
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Games I am currently playing! (June 2023)
Category: Games
I thought I would make a list of the games that I am playing. I've been getting trough the Yakuza games for the first time and they're all great so far. Current franchise: Yakuza/Like a Dragon (Y0 - YLAD + Judgement) Actively Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PS4 version on PS5) Resident Evil Village (5th playthrough, Village of Shadows)(PS5) Professor Layton and the Miracle » Continue Reading
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How I made the journal section on my website one page (tutorial)
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
How I made the journal section of my website ! I'm really proud of how the journal section in my website turned out, so I thought I would share a tutorial of how I made it for others to use if they like what I have done. It's not perfect, so feel free to tweak yours however you need! What I like about this method is that all » Continue Reading
here are some blinkies :)
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
some blinkies that i have on my website and i thought i'd share here too! » Continue Reading
May the 4th Be With You
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
AHHH! It's May the 4th. I love Star Wars so much. Ever since I was about 6 or 7 years old. That was around 2007/2008. It's such a big part of my life honestly. I was going to watch the whole original trilogy tonight, then watch the prequels tomorrow but I got distracted and now it might be too late for me to start. It's just about 11 PM here. Regardless, I still love Star Wars soooo much. What els... » Continue Reading
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Talking about the Yakuza games
Category: Games
I have only played a bit of Yakuza 0 so far, but I really really love it so far. I cannot wait to play the other games. I really wish that Majima was playable in the other games too, and not just Yakuza 0 and a section in Yakuza (Kiwami) 2 because so far he is my favourite character. I love him a lot. I hope he will be in the next game, he should be if Kiryu will be a playable character again. I ... » Continue Reading
The Mandalorain: Chapter 18 "The Mines of Mandalore" (Review)
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
Spoilers Ahead! The latest episode of The Mandalorain (Chapter 18 "The Mine of Mandalore") shows promise of this being an amazing season. This is the second episode of the latest season of The Mandalorian, and I thought that this was a major step up compared to the season premiere. It starts off in Tatooine, and we get the first appearance of Peli Motto this season. We see Grogu leap into the air » Continue Reading
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I love Hellsing sooo much
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
I really really love Hellsing. I love it a lot. I wanna get the manga but they're so expensive. It's over $70 here. You do get multiple volumes in one book but it's still a lot of money to me. I found them online though so I am reading it like that. I really really love Hellsing Ultimate though. I love the animation and the art and the action and the writing and the characters and I just really lo... » Continue Reading
The Mandalorain: Chapter 17 "The Apostate" (Review)
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
Spoilers Ahead! The season 3 premiere of The Mandalorain (Chapter 17 "The Apostate") is a decent start to the new season. In general, I enjoyed the episode. It obviously isn't going to be outstanding considering that it is a season premiere, but it was still good. Some of the scenes felt a little dragged on, with filler dialogue, but the pacing was good enough for the 40 minutes to fly by. The sce... » Continue Reading