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"Drinking Coffee"


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I swear, I'm still alive

Category: Blogging

It's been a busy few months. I had a nasty infection that lasted about six weeks that took multiple courses of two different antibiotics (a challenge due to my allergies), all while finishing spring semester and beginning summer semester. Life has been something of a train wreck lately. My dad went off chemo and they're focusing on treating his pain. I've applied everywhere I can work on this side... » Continue Reading

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New Class, new crunch

Category: School, College, University

I haven't spent much time online being social lately. My marketing class is covering 5 chapters per week, and it's just draining the life out of me. Overall, it's easier than management with smaller quizzes and assignments rather than just three large tests, but it's still a lot of information to take in and actually absorb. Totally missing spring break about now. » Continue Reading

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I thought I was busy before...

Category: School, College, University

...And then my Marketing class appeared. "What's that? Three chapters per week is challenging?" it asked, a sneer forming across its lip. "Then try....  FIVE chapters per week, you SLUT." What a semester x_@ » Continue Reading

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One class down, three classes to go

Category: School, College, University

Just took my last management exam and finished the course with a 99.14% - I missed one question on exam 3 and was docked half a point for the first paper for reasons. I received glowing feedback for my second paper, though, so that's what really matters. Marketing begins next week, and I am overall feeling a bit burned out and sorely missing spring break right about now. » Continue Reading

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Let's get physical~ .... That will be $200

Category: Life

I had to call my doctor's office to get a refill for my thyroid meds on Monday. While I was on the phone, the receptionist asked if I wanted to go ahead and schedule a physical. I was practically halfway through a pint of ice cream when I said, "...Sure." No surprise, my LDL cholesterol came back high. But, the good news is that all of my other lipids are in the ideal range, so my doctor » Continue Reading

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Spring has SPRUNG

Category: Life

It's warm, it's windy, there are thunderstorms, and my dad is outside tilling the ground for the garden. I am so humbled by his strength and willpower. If I were going through chemo to treat liver cancer, I probably wouldn't get out of bed. » Continue Reading

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Nothing ever goes *right*

Category: Life

My musical project was rushing to finish a song in time for Bandcamp Friday and we were almost done... and then today I went to turn on the work PC and got a Critical Process Died error. It won't allow a system restore, safe mode, or any method of direct control. I can access the system through the command prompt only and to no real use. At this point, I can't tell if it's a hardware or windows fa... » Continue Reading

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One exam down, one exam to go

Category: School, College, University

Took my first stats exam today. It ended up taking twice as long as it should have because I painstakingly write out all of my equations in LATEX. I have this nasty habit of fudging equations with my calculator (it's so easy to leave off a parenthesis...) so I hedge my bets by showing how the equations are set up so I'll get the majority of the credit in the case of a mistake. Case in point, on th... » Continue Reading

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I got 100%, but...

Category: School, College, University

So, I took my second management exam. The exam is online, open book and open note, but only because COVID restrictions closed the testing centers. So, I got 100%. But, I know the only reason that I did was because I had access to my book/notes. Even though I read every chapter and watched every lecture twice, so many of the questions were random and quasi-obscure rather than main points that there... » Continue Reading

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Category: School, College, University

The first real bank of exams for the semester is hitting. Last week was my first Econ exam, Management Exam #2 is tomorrow, and next week is my first Stat 2 exam. I got 100% on Econ Exam #1 and Management Exam #1, so I'm hoping to keep the ball rolling. Getting kind of nervous about it, though. I'm thankful that they're at least spread out rather than all in the same week. Nothing will ever compar... » Continue Reading

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It's been a Very Cold(tm) few days

Category: Blogging

After spending most of yesterday unfreezing my kitchen pipes, I'm happy to report that there were no ruptures. I also avoided the rolling blackouts and my econ professor pushed the exam back, so that's dope. I spent all of today catching up on the work I was supposed to do yesterday while feeling sleep deprived. *yawn* I'm feeling like I've got more of a grip on the semester than I did a few weeks... » Continue Reading

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24.5/25 for....Reasons

Category: School, College, University

I submitted my first management paper last night and received the result this morning. My professor gave me a glowing response, so imagine my surprise when I saw that he gave me a 24.5/25. I sent him an email asking if there was anything I could improve for the next paper. The response? "98% is a really good score and it deserved a high A! Keep up the good work!" So, I was docked half of a point f... » Continue Reading

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