Summary: Brief emotional update, I bought a journal, I talk about niche identities. ||| Helloooo, it's been a while since I've said anything here. I had intended to write on the 15th but it ended up a bit Personal for my tastes, so I had scrapped the post. The last few days have felt like an odd transitional period, I'd spent quite a while boiling in primordial distress over trivial matters, but o... » Continue Reading
Summary: I'm technically an adult now, that's funny. Not Ha-Ha Funny but you know, funny. ||| Good morning, I haven't updated to this platform in a little while, as nothing of note has happened. Today I've awoken to discover that as of today my childhood has Ended and from now on I will be living as an adult. I don't think anyone's really Ready for this moment, I've thought about it a lot over the... » Continue Reading
Summary: I went outside, almost got hit by a car, and didn't find the store I was after. Fun. ||| So my father and I visited some relatives today, My ego had been in a pretty good state recently so I spent the visit taking advantage of that to get competent communication in with my aunt. We touched on a few topics but she eventually informed me of a nearby book retailer so when our conversation wa... » Continue Reading
"Just Be Yourself" is a phrase commonly spoken to those in a place in of social repression but recently it just won't stop Haunting me. myself How? which one? enough about me, who are You? are You being yourself? do you know what you're talking about when you ask such things. you are a human being, you are a form of life, you are a string of chemical reactions, you are a consciousness, what else? ... » Continue Reading