Interesting Day by Rock-Bottom Standards

Summary: I went outside, almost got hit by a car, and didn't find the store I was after. Fun. |||

So my father and I visited some relatives today, My ego had been in a pretty good state recently so I spent the visit taking advantage of that to get competent communication in with my aunt. We touched on a few topics but she eventually informed me of a nearby book retailer so when our conversation was over I got up and just Left to go look for it. She described it as "About 9 minutes away" so how long could it take? It could have been exactly what I was looking for, I never had much luck in closer establishments and any form of online purchase is not an option for me. 

I could have just asked my father to Drive Me but he doesn't exactly have a lot of time on his hands and I had no idea when I'd get such an opportunity again. So the solution in the moment was to get up and walk there myself using nothing but my aunt's vague instructions and my own overconfidence to find this store, miraculously every book I've been hoping to stumble across, and everything would be happily ever after. Bottom Percent's Power Fantasy.

I've gone on plenty of walks before, either on a forest path or by pacing in my hallway for two-to-four hours but not like This, my entire life had been spent isolated and quiet only with the odd car ride, relative visit, and shopping trip, so navigating through sidewalks for half-an-hour was probably the most engaging experience I've had in my life, which is Funny in a subjective sense of the word.

A car almost hit me. There was no traffic light anywhere and it had been motionless for a while so I Assumed it was waiting for me and proceeded to cross, but the driver decided That was the best time to start moving. I wasn't as scared as I should have been, I'm not particularly suicidal but I think I would have been okay if something had happened there, it would be the most interesting story of my life at that point so What the hell, Sure, I'd take what's given to me. But, no, the driver stopped just short of me, I live to act in another tale.

I don't know if I was even going the proper direction, my aunt did such a poor job at directing me and I was about to check the address, but it was when I reached a cemetery that my father called me to stop wandering. I find that quite poetic, my tale had ended at the same place as many others. Although I may not have obtained what I sought, I find myself satiated by today's experience anyway. In the end; what do I Truly desire but to be Free?

Now I'm back in the fucking Building again.

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