Who Are You?

"Just Be Yourself" is a phrase commonly spoken to those in a place in of social repression but recently it just won't stop Haunting me. myself How? which one? enough about me, who are You? are You being yourself? do you know what you're talking about when you ask such things. you are a human being, you are a form of life, you are a string of chemical reactions, you are a consciousness, what else? when people say this phrase they usually say it in the regard of Oh just be Honest be how you Really Feel but in the event that i am acting dishonestly i am doing so because my "True Self" Desires to behave as such in that circumstance.

it is this very question which drives me time and time again to various communities because i've felt too restricted in another. but only this time, This time around have i stopped to think, which "Myself" am i truly suppressing here? i've Always been myself to a degree and yet i keep finding more parts and driving myself to disarray in search for some new box and label for them. this cycle of self-management Is Myself, am i being Untrue to myself if i am to cease it and be Everything At Once?

so Who Are You? go on, don't be shy. when would you say you feel most like yourself, how would you define what that looks like on another? this topic has been bugging me for days, i'll lend an ear to any perspective

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