Invisible in Moomin Valley
Category: Art and Photography
Sometimes, in Moomin Valley, if someone is upset and distressed enough, they'll turn invisible. » Continue Reading
Personality on a disk!
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Category: Art and Photography
Sometimes, in Moomin Valley, if someone is upset and distressed enough, they'll turn invisible. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I am so sick of these shit heads who claim to be my friends but then abandon me. I'm nothing but a mild amusment to these fuckers who then antagonize the shit out of me. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Uuuugh. Guess who contracted flu? Me! (duh) I thought it was just a common cold at first but then I woke up yesterday and my legs were sore as crap. Which instantly reminded me of when I couldn't walk at all as a kid after contracting Flu B. I don't know how I got it, does it have a long incubation time? I haven't been at school since last Tuesday. I had a break Thursday through Monday my folks us... » Continue Reading
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Category: Art and Photography
My other passion I'm a bit of a Camera Menace. Probably evident from the various blog entries showcasing my photography over my more discussed passion of Animation. In fact. I have quite the collection. Let's go over my cameras here: 1. The Star Of The Show ATLAS (An HP Photosmart 635) named after ATLAS from Portal 2. He belonged to my late paternal Grandmother, who » Continue Reading
Category: Art and Photography
Video version here » Continue Reading
Category: Music
My first album (kinda) is out now! I'm sort of the type of experiment with all kinds of things. Animation, modding, I've been working on various tracks since the release of Somber Memories. Since I'm finishing High School this year, I'm trying to make a few portfolio pieces. A music based piece was not on my todo list but I refuse to just let these tracks rot on my hard drive forever. So ... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Snow day turned week. I've been off all week from school (except for today) because of how poor the weather conditions were here. I think Hell is trying to freeze over, which we all deserve for our actions. Anyway, I'll probably post a more in-depth retelling of my week once I feel better, I feel pretty sleebjy rn. -w- » Continue Reading
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Category: Art and Photography
My new old digital camera My main camera is an HP Photosmart 635 I nicknamed ATLAS that I inherited from my late Paternal Grandmother. I wish that she could see me now, or that I could see her reaction to my latest works. Enough gushing, apparently sometime ago (~2013), my Sister also inherited a camera. This one was from my Maternal Grandmother. Coincidentally, it's » Continue Reading
Category: Art and Photography
(just copy pasting from my Deviant Art so...) » Continue Reading
Category: Art and Photography
MeowArts production guide! (again) Some stuff I've been working on and would like to announce/share updates on. In Production/Recent Projects: * New SFM Models (Characters, Props) * Fursona (passed conceptual stage) * Mewtwo mo » Continue Reading
Category: Life
First week back to school Today is my Friday. Due to the cold weather here in the south, a digital day is happening tomorrow. I honestly don't know why I'm typing this. I think I'm just trying to get my mind off things. With the politics of the era, my dwindling friendships, and my creative burn out and indecisiveness... School seems almost too normal to be stressful. Monday was my firs » Continue Reading
Category: Art and Photography
Best of Photographs I've taken last year I loved taking this urban photography picture, I'm sure there's so many photos of buildings and city-scapes even through the lens of a digital camera legally old enough to drink. However, I feel like this one is special. Despite being a lazy excuse to ge » Continue Reading