OMGGGG!! I havent been on spacehey in so looonggg! I dont have much to say, but since my last post things have gotten a little better, but thats probably becuase I had a huge winter break lolol. I recently started listening to this band called "The Gazette" again and augh! I dont know why i ever stopped! I used to listen to them a lot in 9th or 10th grade, so listening to them again is super fun! » Continue Reading
AUGHH! I'm so tired of school...I like the people and teachers, but I just need a break so baddd. Can't wait for thanksgiving break! I've been so exhausted recently, but idk it might be seasonal burnout/depression...we'll see. » Continue Reading
I went to a Weezer concert!!! I'm so happy I got to go! It had a space theme bc it was the anniversary of their "Voyage to the Blue Planet" album, I think they really tried to make it fun for their fans and I loved it so much! I » Continue Reading