Very fun night
Category: Blogging
Current mood: Drawing and listening to Frank Sinatra while my roommate yells to his friend about politics » Continue Reading
"Collecting Scrap for the Company"
18, American, Currently on Assurance
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SpaceHey Blog URL:
Category: Blogging
Current mood: Drawing and listening to Frank Sinatra while my roommate yells to his friend about politics » Continue Reading
Category: SpaceHey
It took me 3 hours of attempting and doing things and drawing to get to the current state of my account. It took me so long to draw a whole thing and then I cant even use it bc I don't know how to put the image in the website :((( » Continue Reading
Category: SpaceHey
Some of you might notice that my account is looks different every time you decide to click on my profile. I am just doing some minor construction. And by that I mean I am trying to make it so that my entire page is either going centered around Wobbledogs, Lethal Company, or some other game I really enjoy. I have to do some research and stuff and I will keep everyone updated when I make any sort of... » Continue Reading
Category: Music
I wanna get wobbledog music to play on my profile but I can't get it to work. i followed the tutorial by That_m1stake but it didn't work :((((((( » Continue Reading
Category: Games
I introduced my friend to wobbledogs yesterday and he sunk 3 and a half hours into it. I think I accidently got him addicted to wobbledogs >_ » Continue Reading
Category: SpaceHey
They wont leave the little box after I change my layout can someone help me make it not borken plssssss :(( » Continue Reading
Category: News and Politics
Every time we're eating dinner at our campus's dining hall, he complains that I'm playing with my coc at the table. He says that I "have a problem" and "I need help" and "it's gross." It's not my fault that I don't have any other time to play with it. I'm a busy person >:( » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Games
Trying to convince a friend to buy lethal company so that he can play with us. Lethal Company is literally the best game ever I don't know why he needs convincing » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Art and Photography
I'm trying to draw but my roommate is in the room >_ < ' (Trying to draw boobies). » Continue Reading
Category: School, College, University
I was just walking with some people I know on a back trail on my campus and this robot delivery bot just stalked us. It got caught in a construction zone and had to back track. Those things are kinda stupid ngl. But also goals! I strive to have only purpose and be the "best" at it! » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Hiya! I'm surprised that there are already 6 of you here! I'll try to be entertaining because that's the only thing I worry about! I'm pretty new to SpaceHey and social media in general so be line please! :3 » Continue Reading