What is your favorite music? I have many likes! But my FAVORITE FAVORITE one is “Eternal Dream” from Murder Drones OST VOL. 2 :) I love MD so much RAAAAHHH (Oh, I also got my new JBL headphones today! I'm using them now, hehe. :]) » Continue Reading
I like music! I have many types of favorite music! Music helps me relax and have a good time while I spend my time drawing. It's fun. :) » Continue Reading
Today is a beautiful day. Maybe it's time for a walk. ;) Unfortunately I'm going to go to school. BUT NO WAY! WITH ALL THE ATTITUDE BECAUSE TODAY IS THURSDAY AND TOMORROW IS FRIDAY! Hehe. Take care byee! – WebGirl007 » Continue Reading
Today is a beautiful day. Maybe it's time for a walk. ;) Unfortunately I'm going to go to school. BUT NO WAY! WITH ALL THE ATTITUDE BECAUSE TODAY IS THURSDAY AND TOMORROW IS FRIDAY! Hehe. Take care byee! – WebGirl007 » Continue Reading
I know it's a bit strange to start the day talking about this. But oh well- Guys, love yourself and I mean it REALLY . Don't stress yourself out too much. I speak from experience. Stressing yourself out too much will only lead to horrible moments in your life, where your mind is not stable. I say this because It's also NOT HEALTHY for » Continue Reading
Bro, does anyone know Ghosttunda? She's a youtuber. Well- I mean I'm A FAN of her. Her projects are amazing. THOSE DRAWINGS BRO!! They're beautiful. Imigrantes Road is amazing as is Lacey's games, but I like Imigrantes Road better. If you're fans of IR.. ARE YOU READY FOR EPISODE 3? WOOO (I feel like giving my likes is wrong. But oh well. XD) » Continue Reading
I'm a bit nostalgic right now, so I'll talk about my favorite days. I remember the time I went with my family to a supermarket with a restaurant inside, I don't know how to explain it, but we ate and talked. It was a good time, I hope we can go back therr soon. I also remember the time I showed one of my favorite series to my dad. I was nervous and scared that he wouldn't like it at first, but aft... » Continue Reading
Sorry if I haven't posted IN A WHILE I have some issues and I got sick. :(( Btw, hope you guys feel well, and have a good time. Remember to love yourselfs. » Continue Reading