I respect hobbies and obsessions as much as the next guy, but if I see a net worth of more than 1000 dollars in someone's shoe closet, we need to stage some kind of intervention. It's not like I have anything against people who ACTUALLY wear the shoes periodically; I can respect that. My main concern is how someone could have 12 different pairs of shoes, cycle through two or three, then let the re... » Continue Reading
I have been pretty busy these past few months, and I often forget to stop and take a breath. It's almost over said and clique at this point, but seriously, take a breath. It might just help. Now shake that rust off your shoulders and keep going; you got this. -imasleepanyway150 » Continue Reading
I cannot remember the last time I saw a snail. It has been at least ten years or so. It's unacceptable and I demand an answer. I remember when I was really young, I had a plastic toy car that was about a meter tall. I lifted up the seat, and there he was. Just sitting there, a little snail. It was remarkable. And now it's like they all banded together and took a space adventure. I only wish they h... » Continue Reading
I always have this feeling right where the oesophagus ends that I'm not in the right place. I'm not sure what provokes this feeling, but I definitely feel it. I'm not sure if I'm just in my own head, but I'm looking for the place where I feel like I have community. I've grown up in a shitty, small but populated city that has nothing to do, and bad people all around. I feel like this place is where... » Continue Reading
I always found the word never extremely depressing. When people say something will never happen I always get this strange feeling. I don't deny that the probability is low for certain things happen, but we can never chalk anything up to an extremity such that the word never applies. Never means impossible. How many times has something impossible happened before our very eyes? No matter what we bel... » Continue Reading