I never say never

I always found the word never extremely depressing. When people say something will never happen I always get this strange feeling. I don't deny that the probability is low for certain things happen, but we can never chalk anything up to an extremity such that the word never applies. Never means impossible. How many times has something impossible happened before our very eyes? No matter what we believe, there's always a possibility that another possibility or explanation is out there. That is not meaning it is okay to discredit anyone's beliefs or moral values, because hell they may be correct. It is just meaning to say that we have so much confidence in what we think is right or wrong, possible or not, true or false. People thought that the sun went around the earth for a long time. All I'm getting at it (and it may sound counter intuitive) never say never. When you want to do something, try. When you know it's very likely going to rain, but you really want to wear that outfit, do it. Don't let the confines of the English dictionary dictate your life. Be your most realistic, yearing, passionate self, and always believe in the alternate. This is just a mindset. It might help you learn to accept others, even if you dislike their ideas. It doesn't mean agree with everything, more like nod your head and note that it's what they think and that's okay. We are only humans; how much do we really know? If you wanted to use it for negativity, you can. That's what I mean by a mindset. It can be interpreted in whatever way you want. It sounds stupid because it is stupid, but sometimes something stupid is just the encouragement we need to be the person we want to be. Stay stupid (respectfully and responsibly) <3.


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juniper's profile picture

i like your mindset. I dont know if its me, but the 'never' mindset (?) very much resembles the all-or-nothing thinking, which means you think in extremes ie, ever or never which is not very healthy. Though I am not a very optimistic person, I try to be. Have a good one :D

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Well put. Take care of yourself and thanks for your comment :).

by imasleepanyway150; ; Report