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"eat1ng my enem1es yummy guts! 🩸 :3"

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Hey guys, try1ng to buy more cutecore/kawa11core clothes, any s1tes 1 should try?

Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping

hey guys!  so 1 wanna see 1f anyone has any s1tes 1 should try for th1s type of cloth1ng.  1t's hard for me to f1nd these k1nds of clothes s1nce 1 am chubby [1'm and XL 1n sh1rts and most of th1s cloth1ng comes from Ch1na and they never have my s1ze-] Or 1f anyone has any s1tes for general kawa11core/cutecore stuff that 1 should check out let me know! >w » Continue Reading

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Update on k1tty :3

Category: Pets and Animals

Meet k1k1! My new k1tty >:3 Hey guys! So 1 got h1m about 3 weeks ago.  we got h1m at th1s cat cafe place! 1t was an hour away from where 1 l1ve, but 1t was worth 1t for a sweet boy l1ke him >w » Continue Reading

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Happy Pr1de Month!

Category: Art and Photography

Yes, 1 k1ss g1rls. so what? Here, take 1t and be happy lol :]  Yes, th1s 1s my art!  1 hope my queers are having a good pride month! And 1f ur not gay, 1 hope you are enjoying urselves!  Alr1ght, 1'ma run away to do.  .  . yes :3  » Continue Reading

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1'm gett1ng a k1tty soon!! >w<

Category: Pets and Animals

hey guys! So 1'm gett1ng my own k1tten soon! 1'm super exc1ted about 1t and 1 wanted to see 1f anyone has some adv1ce 1 could use :3 We have two dogs, we are only worr1ed about one of them try1ng to hurt the cat because she seems to sp1te them thanks to th1s one cat that messes w1th her. And 1'm also just worr1ed she w1ll try and k1ll my k1tty :[  {Note: we aren't gonna let the k1tty near the dog ... » Continue Reading

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H111!! 1'm new here!!

Category: Art and Photography

My p1nterest!! Check 1t out if you want >w < 🎀H111! 1 Go by k1r11 onl1ne, 1'm new here, 1 wanted to g1ve th1s s1te a try! 1 would love to be fr1ens w1th you guys! XDD 🎀 [1 am ma1nly form1ng platforms to post art, make fr1ens, and just for fun!! :3] » Continue Reading

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