1'm gett1ng a k1tty soon!! >w<

hey guys!
So 1'm gett1ng my own k1tten soon! 1'm super exc1ted about 1t and 1 wanted to see 1f anyone has some adv1ce 1 could use :3

We have two dogs, we are only worr1ed about one of them try1ng to hurt the cat because she seems to sp1te them thanks to th1s one cat that messes w1th her. And 1'm also just worr1ed she w1ll try and k1ll my k1tty :[ 
{Note: we aren't gonna let the k1tty near the dog because we aren't r1sk1ng 1t and my dad plans on help1ng me tra1n her not to k1ll th1s cat and to tra1n her not to turn 1t to a dog treat]

The other dog won't be such a huge 1ssue because he 1s a b1g, sweet dummy who l1kes cuddles and snacks =w= 

But st1ll aren't r1sk1ng 1t! 

But 1 wanted to ask 1f anyone who has or had a cat has any adv1ce 1 could use so I can g1ve th1s k1tty cat the best home and owner 1t deserves!! 

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CasperPrime's profile picture

I assume it's an indoor cat?

If so, clean its litter box around once a day (more if needed, but it shouldn't come to that really), give it a toy it can entertain itself with (such as a scratch post), and one you can entertain it with (basically any other kind of toy that lets you play with it)

Food requirements depend on size and weight so I can't say much regarding that

Most importantly, give it all the love you can

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