Hey guys, try1ng to buy more cutecore/kawa11core clothes, any s1tes 1 should try?

hey guys! 
so 1 wanna see 1f anyone has any s1tes 1 should try for th1s type of cloth1ng. 
1t's hard for me to f1nd these k1nds of clothes s1nce 1 am chubby [1'm and XL 1n sh1rts and most of th1s cloth1ng comes from Ch1na and they never have my s1ze-]

Or 1f anyone has any s1tes for general kawa11core/cutecore stuff that 1 should check out let me know! >w< 

[1k 1 could google some but l1ke 1 sa1d, hard for me to f1nd stuff 1n my s1ze and would love to try other s1tes for th1s style :] ]

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