Update on k1tty :3

Meet k1k1! My new k1tty >:3

Hey guys! So 1 got h1m about 3 weeks ago. 
we got h1m at th1s cat cafe place! 1t was an hour away from where 1 l1ve, but 1t was worth 1t for a sweet boy l1ke him >w< 
We got h1m when he was 2 months old [he 1s 3 months at th1s point] 
So some th1ngs 1've learned 1s that for 2 days they w1ll be pretty ch1ll, but about the 3rd day the1r energy w1ll k1ck 1n O.O 
k1k1 was the name 1 chose because of the mov1e "Kiki's delivery service" 
The dogs have been 50/50 about the cat. we've had two t1mes where they acted up, but k1k1 1s f1ne! he has plenty of h1d1ng spots 1ncase he needs to get away and h1de t1ll someone can get h1m. [the cat keeps mess1ng w1th the dogs tho, so 1t's k1nda a 50/50 blame on both part1es 1f yk what 1 mean] 
K1k1 has been do1ng well and he 1s a very happy and healthy boy! Whenever 1 can, 1 w1ll put h1m 1n h1s l1l bubble bag my aunt got for him and take h1m outs1de w1th me. 1'm work1ng on gett1ng a harness and leach for h1m so he can go on walks! [also wa1t1ng t1ll he 1s just a b1t b1gger] 

anywho, 1f someone has t1ps or adv1ce that 1 can use for when he gets b1gger 1 would love that! 1 have done some research, but maybe someone who owns a cat could help a fellow cat owner/lover! 
take care everyone and have a great day! ^w^

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