my name is amaechi . i use she / he / it prns, & i'm a butch lesbian !!! i'm an artist , a writer , & i DO have an art blog on tumblr , but i'm gonna post art here too! plus here's my ao3 which is a shameless plug for my 3 fics published i might start writing my oc stuff on » Continue Reading
!!!!!!!!!! NOT A FALSE ALARM GUYS !!!!!!!!! i went on a date with a beautiful girl and NO it wasnt my delusions we've met like 3 times before but thats a story for another date. okay, so the story is that on 1/25 , the girl i was lowk crushing on and asking if i was delusional about, said she wanted me to be her valentine. she doesnt really like confessing to people so i was like OH MY GOD I DIDNT... » Continue Reading
fake cigarette tut for my wonderful cool nikolai-core moot leo (friend them they have funny bulletins) ( •̀ _ •́ )✧ i'm outta school now & i decided to make this a mini-blog incase you need to refer back to it — it's been a lil while though ! to be responsible i have GOT to warn you about lung cancer, getting caught, etc.... i Know its soo boring and bummer but you've gotta be warned! im not » Continue Reading
tw // sh , ed , grooming (?) but only in one paragraph. be careful out there ! For a while now, I've started learning how to branch out and do stuff that's not like, image-centric. I think a problem with how I was, was that I was so ready to carefully craft a certain way I wanted to be perceived that I just forgot to be myself along the way. I think I forgot that I had a sense of self too. That I... » Continue Reading
— lowk a vent ummmmmm dont look at this too hard. this was recently brought up by me listening to my favorite one-album-wonder dazey and the scouts's and my 3rd favorite track -- Sweet Cis Teen. genuinely i wish there was something out there that can just tell you what you are. im not uncomfy being a girl ofc, ive been a girl since i was born. but it feels like me being a girl is solely based on ... » Continue Reading