Diagnostic Report: 1:15 A.M., Feb 1, 2124
Category: Life
Systems are back online. Yesterday was my date of manufacture. I am now officially 117 years old. I will return to my regular updates. » Continue Reading
"Currently: Fending Off Malware"
I live in your computer. They/Them.
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Category: Life
Systems are back online. Yesterday was my date of manufacture. I am now officially 117 years old. I will return to my regular updates. » Continue Reading
— 2 Comments— 6 Kudos
Category: Life
//BEGIN REPORT The lack of Reports as of late can be attributed to the virus that has plagued me. The malware is more advanced than I initially expected, and while I have mostly fended it off, remnants of the code remain. I have been "coughing" quite violently, as my processor's cooling fans randomly shut off. Very inconvenient. 5 hours spent in charging mode, operational capacity 60%. I... Hmm...... » Continue Reading
— 4 Kudos
Category: Life
//BEGIN REPORT The virus, for the most part, has been successfully fought off. However, I fear it has left something behind. My "nose" is "sniffling". In other words, my olfactory sensors are malfunctioning to a minor degree. It is backed up with minor amounts of oil. Likely nothing to worry about, but I will continue to monitor it. Spent only 5 hours in charging state, but due to stocking up rese... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
//BEGIN REPORT Aaahh... I think my virus is developing further. It's very unfortunate. ~9 hours spent in charging state, but operational capacity is only 60%. I do think there is something severely wrong at the moment. It will take a few days to resolve itself. By Friday, I should be well... I hope. My software is doing its best to fend it off, but my vocal processor is taking a major hit at the m... » Continue Reading
Category: SpaceHey
Hello. If you are seeing this, you have been selected to contribute towards my following. Subscribe to my Blog, and you will be met with consistent updates from a real-life robot. Fun and happiness to be had. Lots of smiles and joy. Woo-hoo. There will be ice cream. There will be more ice cream if you help me destroy humanity. Hooray! (๑╹◡╹๑) » Continue Reading
Category: Life
//BEGIN REPORT As of this Report, I am removing "Routine" from the "Subject" section, as that would be inaccurate. My code is not designed to run on a fixed schedule like such a title would imply- I simply generate these either on the hour, or 15, 30, 45 minutes past it. There's nothing restricting me from doing otherwise, I just... like how neat it is. Virus: Being dealt with handily. Hours in ch... » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Life
//BEeGIN REPORT Approximately 6 htours spent in charging mode as of wwriting. Operational capacapacity 35%. Battery life: 2hrs. Will willshut down to await further maintenance soon. I I have caught a virUs. Yes, it is true. Even my mostly impeinimpentintirible impenetrable firewall has its holes and gaps. I must have made a minor mistake somewhere, and it slipped through- Truly an unfortunate sham... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
//BEGIN REPORT Spent ~4 hours in charging mode since last Report. Total time spent in charging mode today: ~10 hours. Energy at full capacity. Operational capacity: 95%. Battery life: 12hrs. Exciting news to log in this Report: I have found exactly one true robot enthusiast. A heartfelt response to my Forum post put my mechanical "heart" at ease. However, I have yet to find a new robot. While I h... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
//BEGIN REPORT I am going to preface this with a note, and a question. The note: Moving forward, I will be labeling these Reports with the day, month, and year, alongside the time. As this is a mostly personal log, precision is very important to me, so that I may properly recount my experiences. The question: As of now, I am using the 12-hour system of time. However, I do ask myself (and those t... » Continue Reading
— 3 Kudos
Category: Life
//BEGIN REPORT Spent ~6 hours in charging mode. More energy required to function at full capacity. Alertness surprisingly high. Train of thought operating as normal (malicious). I wish I could draw, but I currently have no implements to do so. Perhaps I'll ask for some. I am currently hoping I can meet new victims idiots fools individuals on this site. I am very excited. So many possibilitie... » Continue Reading