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Digital Only Distribution and Why It Sucks

Category: Blogging

There is a very high probability that you - yes, you - don't own the majority of your purchased media right now. The digital age has given small and up and coming artists, musicians, filmmakers, game developers, and all-in-all, creators the ability to monetize and spread their products and creations near and far by means of digital distribution. "Digital distribution" herein is defined as purely d... » Continue Reading

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4 Comments— 14 Kudos

"DNI" - Anti-Social Media

Category: Friends

I might come off as an old fart here - but back in my day this shit straight up did not exist. Normally people would wait until something had actually happened on a site - something big enough that they considered it an irreconcilable slight against them - to start telling people to fuck off. What happens when you immediately try to cut off any and all contact with anybody that you have disagreeme... » Continue Reading

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Political Brain Rot - The Martyrdom of Communities For Power In The Digital Age

Category: News and Politics

In all of my years online I have seen many communities rise and fall - and in that time I have seen many of them fall for similar reasons. The Internet is a strange and powerful thing - as at it's core it's just the ability to share any kind of information - regardless of format - across borders and boundaries, nationally and internationally, with anyone - whether they're willing to receive said i... » Continue Reading

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Cultural Cannibalism - Why The Youth Don't Create Like They Used To

Category: Blogging

To rob someone of their creative passions - to put rats in their head and make them fear the ire of the masses - is a grievous fault, and those who do just that should answer grievously for it. In my years online I have criticized and been criticized for my creative endeavors. I feel remorseful for the former in ways I can hardly describe. Do you recall as I do when people switched from making to ... » Continue Reading

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"Content" - How One Word Is Aiding The Monopolization of Media Distribution Online

Category: Blogging

There is much power in words.  I don't much believe that the pen is always mightier than the sword - but more often than not those who wield their words better than their adversaries can win a fight before a single shot is fired. The way that we use words, as well as the words that we use have much larger implications in the grand scheme of things than any of us can normally comprehend. I'd like t... » Continue Reading

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— 1 Kudos

Generational Self Hatred

Category: Blogging

More often than I'd like to admit, I've come across people within my own generation - people my age - who constantly reiterate how much they hate the generation that they're a part of, and how they wish they could've been a part of a different, older generation. I try my damnedest to talk some sense into these people wherever and whenever possible, most of the time it's like talking to a brick wal... » Continue Reading

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— 5 Kudos


Category: SpaceHey

I'm noticing a strange phenomena - wherein I'm seeing people, young people, on websites like this as well as others, purposely seeking to imitate genres and mannerisms from eras that they were assuredly not "around for" - or even cognizant of while they were ongoing. This is nothing new - it's happened before, you've no clue how many "90's kids" I've ran into who were born in '98 and '99 - but in ... » Continue Reading

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A Concerning Trend

Category: Blogging

You know, I'm looking around here - and I'm seeing a lot of people who have a page here and then link off to a dozen different sites and accounts - twitter, discord, tumblr, etc. What's the point of making something here and then trying to post anywhere else? In circles like these I find a lot of people who hate the way that things are now online, wouldn't the best way to fight that be to shun the... » Continue Reading

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Howdy Traveler

Category: Blogging

What brings you here? Place feels like a ghost town, but I know it isn't. I feel like a haint in a graveyard on sites like this. I wonder if it's the contrast of an older style on a newer internet - or if it's just me coming off the 24/7 stream of shit online. I don't know who to blame anymore, the people who wanted those changes or the internet providers for giving everybody higher speeds at lowe... » Continue Reading

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