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Kyle's awesome userboxes!
Category: SpaceHey
Some stupid userboxes I made with this site. You can request one for me to make in the comments! » Continue Reading
teen, he/they, colorado
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— 5 Comments— 12 KudosPinned
Category: SpaceHey
Some stupid userboxes I made with this site. You can request one for me to make in the comments! » Continue Reading
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— 4 KudosPinned
Category: SpaceHey
:root{ --logo-blue: #993300; --darker-blue: #ff704d; --lighter-blue: #662200; --even-lighter-blue: #CC0000; --lightest-blue: #ff3300; --light-orange: #993300 } /* width */ ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 20px; } /* Track */ ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-image: url(img src="https://i.ibb.co/4JPm1NR/th-30 » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
currently i'm hyper-fixated on inspector gadget and they might be giants and i really don't know why could it be me having autism who knows i just know that my interests consist of some funky things like i like looking at pictures of old computer and tech » Continue Reading
— 11 Kudos
Category: SpaceHey
:root{ --logo-blue: #993300; --darker-blue: #ff704d; --lighter-blue: #662200; --even-lighter-blue: #CC0000; --lightest-blue: #ff3300; --light-orange: #993300 } /* width */ ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 20px; } /* Track */ ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-image: url(img src="https://i.ibb.co/4JPm1NR/th-30 » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
first go to this site: https://secret-share.net/ hit the button that says play then enter in a name you like (choose a good one you cant change it) i already have one-- click on copy this link and then do this on a spacehey post » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
Angry: (*≧m≦*) (,,#゚Д゚) ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ (>д<) (;≧皿≦) [○・`Д´・○] ヽ(#`Д´)ノ Σ(-`Д´-ノ;)ノ (/゚Д゚)/ (¬д¬。) ヽ(#`Д´)ノ (¬、¬) (;¬_¬) (;¬_¬) (;¬д¬) (≧σ≦) o(-`д´- 。) ヽ(●-`Д´-)ノ (* ̄m ̄) (´Д`) (; ̄Д ̄) (¬_¬)ノ (#`д´)ノ (」゜ロ゜)」 Σ(▼□▼メ) (━┳━ _ ━┳━) (┳◇┳) {{|└(>o < )┘|}} \(@O@)/ (≧▼≦;) \(〇O〇)/ s(・`ヘ´・;)ゞ (▼へ▼メ) \(`O´θ/ θ\(;¬_¬) ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ 凸(-0-メ) 凸(`△´+) 凸(`0´)凸 凸(`⌒´メ)凸 \(`0´)/ -`д´- (>人 » Continue Reading
— 4 Kudos
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
SO YOU ARE A FAN OF HOMESTUCK. A LOT OF PEOPLE TRY TO LOOK FOR HOMESTUCK SOFTWARE THAT HELPS FIT THEIR NEEDS AND FAN SERVICE. THIS IS A LIST OF HOMESTUCK SOFTWARE I HAVE TRIED OUT THAT IS PRETTY COOL. 1. pesterchum in homestuck, some of the kids use the chat client called pesterchum. there is pesterchum online, pesterchum godot, and the normal peste » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
If you don't know what a PSA stands for it it stands for public service announcement. PSAs are meant to serve a purpose on telling people what to not do and what to do when there's an emergency or just certain topics. Modern PSAS are not helping people. People are putting too much effort into making it look cool and making it to look enticing. Some of these ads have no personal stories or emotiona... » Continue Reading
— 10 Comments— 29 Kudos