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"Vibing and womanfesting Puppy Energy"

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Its funny because

Category: Blogging

It's funny because I know some day ill kill myself It's just the only way forward but that's okay I understand that I'll do it and until then I play this game where I wait to snap feeling it press closer and closer and all I can do is laugh and smile because it's silly isn't it that I'm waiting :3 Eveie » Continue Reading

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They let me in

Category: Blogging

They let me in on all these sweet moments, They love each other that is clear, They cherish each other,  They look at each other and their eyes light up like the moon in a clear night sky. And They share it with me? They hold me between them, arms wrapped around me gentle kisses against eachothers lips, They hold me, oh so dearly until I melt, They share the safety with me, that feeling that maybe... » Continue Reading

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So I think it might be happening again

Category: Blogging

These two people these two amazing people enter my life, Treat me like a friend. Like they like me. They hug me they cuddle me. They share themselves and each other and their passion and their enjoyment with me. They share their relationship with me, soft touches little kisses.  They share their bodies with me and it makes me feel alive again. I think I am going to ruin it all, with my silly head.... » Continue Reading

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You have another girl in your bed

Category: Blogging

You have another girl in your bed, and I can barely manage to crawl into mine, I reach and miss the warmth the safety, the I don't know.  I ENDED IT  I know I'm the worst I hurt you because I was honest I hurt you because I don't function I hurt you because I'm a mentally stunted emotionally challenged piece of shit yet here I am once again doing the weekly ritual of it getting bad enough I just m... » Continue Reading

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— 1 Kudos

You have another girl in your bed

Category: Blogging

You have another girl in your bed, and I can barely manage to crawl into mine, I reach and miss the warmth the safety, the I don't know.  I ENDED IT  I know I'm the worst I hurt you because I was honest I hurt you because I don't function I hurt you because I'm a mentally stunted emotionally challenged piece of shit yet here I am once again doing the weekly ritual of it getting bad enough I just m... » Continue Reading

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Im glad you moved on

Category: Blogging

I am glad you moved on I am glad you are ready to sleep with people I I am glad that I didn't hurt you to the point where you couldn't move on, I am glad that you can touch someone you can hopefully love someone. I am glad you aren't broken, but I think I am. I am sorry that I took you down with me, thank you for trying thank you for letting me know what its like? to be loved to be treated by some... » Continue Reading

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I don't think im cutout for a relationship

Category: Blogging

I just feel like things are unfair You say I love you, I don't know what I love you means so can I really say it back? You say you miss me, But I don't know if I miss you more than I miss any of my favourite people? Or maybe my tolerance is higher? I miss people after a few days, to you us not talking for half a day was a "I miss you" for me that's nothing a I miss you is a few days but I cant tel... » Continue Reading

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— 1 Kudos

A friend said something

Category: Blogging

A friend said something that landed differently to most, Most people say silly empty words, they mean nothing but they make themselves feel better you know? like they are helping?  Instead they sat down and admitted to me "An issue here is I think I'm not really able to empathise with that. Anything I say is me standing at the top of the hole. I can chuck down knicknacks that I think of that to me... » Continue Reading

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Thoughts of a busy brain

Category: Blogging

Last night was busy, It was like emotionally busy.  From a friend trying to commit suicide and having to talk them down to receiving the dreaded words of "Your the only reason I'm living anymore" and more silly little apologies. I told them the truth that I cared but  I didn't feel it you know? I know I care about my friends that what friends do its on the little form you sign when you become frie... » Continue Reading

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Sometimes I love my friends

Category: Blogging

Sometimes they make me smile, Sometimes they make me laugh, Sometimes they make me happy cry, But sometimes they make me sad cry, Sometimes they say something thats truly nasty. Sometimes they say "Oh look your replacement" Sometimes they try to help eachother and it feels so helpless. Sometimes I am on both sides and I know how empty those words are. Sometimes I just cant take it. One person is s... » Continue Reading

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"How are you?"

Category: Blogging

I find the words "how are you?" to be meaningless, We all ask it but surely we are all aware that nobody would be honest? Why would I admit my pain, why would I admit I'm not doing well, there isn't anything anyone can do about it so why would I admit it and make them feel worse?  Why would I guilt trip someone else into feeling worse because they are worrying about me, why be honest and let someo... » Continue Reading

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