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Category: Blogging

They let me in

They let me in on all these sweet moments,

They love each other that is clear,

They cherish each other, 

They look at each other and their eyes light up like the moon in a clear night sky.


They share it with me?

They hold me between them, arms wrapped around me gentle kisses against eachothers lips,

They hold me, oh so dearly until I melt,

They share the safety with me, that feeling that maybe just for a little bit it will all be okay,


Do I deserve it?

Do I deserve to? I guess that isn't up to me

Even now, they lay in a call with me, they are curled up in bed murmuring sweet nothings and reassurances and I'm here, intruding? I'm here perving at what a loving relationship is?

I'm disgusting

But they asked me to be here.

What does this mean.

Am I disgusting?

If they asked me to be here?

Do I know? 

Will I ever know?



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